[From EnterpriseDB Corporation]
OPEN SOURCE BUSINESS CONFERENCE, NEWTON, Mass., Nov. 1, 2005 –EnterpriseDB Corporation, an enterprise database company, announced today at the Open Source Business Conference the availability of EnterpriseDB 2005 Release 2. EnterpriseDB 2005 is an enterprise-class database that is built on PostgreSQL, the world’s most advanced open source database. EnterpriseDB 2005 features the ability to run many Oracle applications unmodified and also provides performance enhancements over PostgreSQL. Release 2 is an update to EnterpriseDB 2005 that incorporates the most recent version of PostgreSQL (v8.0.4), improved Oracle-style cursors, faster performance, and features to facilitate integration by independent software vendors (ISVs). In addition, JasperReports, the world’s most widely used open source reporting technology, is now available and supported by EnterpriseDB. The new release, including JasperReports, is available for download at the company’s website, www.enterprisedb.com.
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