Export a Table to a Date Stamped File Name in SQL Server

by MAK Muthusamy Anantha Kumar

stamping is a very common requirement in the IT industry for any data extract
created. Through the DTS package with ActiveX script, it is very easy to date
stamp a file. In this article, I am going to walk you through how to export a
table to a date stamped file.

Create a
DTS package with one SQL Server connection and a Destination Text connection.

Point the SQL Server connection
to your local server and its database to the PUBS database.

Change the path of your Text file
destination to c:\mytext.txt and name the connection as “DestinationFile”.

Create a transformation task
between the SQL Server connection and the DestinationFile.

Edit the transformation to
transfer the table authors to the text file.

Now create an ActiveX script task
and paste the following code into it.

‘ Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Function Main()

mydate =now()
sFilename = “c:\MyFile_” & Right(Year(mydate), 4)
If Month(mydate) < 10 Then sFilename = sFilename & “0” & _
Month(mydate) Else sFilename = sFilename & Month(mydate)
If Day(mydate) < 10 Then sFilename = sFilename & _
“0” & Day(Mydate) Else sFilename = sFilename & Day(mydate)
sFilename = DTSGlobalVariables(“LogFilePath”).Value & _
sFilename & “.txt”
Set oConn = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent.Connections(“DestinationFile”)
oConn.DataSource = sFilename
Set oConn = Nothing
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

This ActiveX script formulates
the path and filename along with today’s date stamp and changes the connection
in the DestinationFile.

If today’s date is March 3, 2003 then, when you execute the ActiveX script DestinationFile, the path in the
connection DestinationFile will automatically be changed to the new path

Now add a success task between
the ActiveX script task and the SQL Server connection.

When you execute the package, first the ActiveX script formulates the
destination text file location with today’s date as suffix, and then does
the transformation.


Every time when you execute the package, the
ActiveX script formulates the full path of the source files with today’s date
as suffix. This script can be used for all kinds of source files like XL, .csv,
.txt, .mdb etc.

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