Retrieving Space Information For All Tables

This procedure allows you to retrieve space information of all the
system tables and user tables in the current database. It makes use of the
following attributes from the sysobjects and sysindexes table.         
: contains the identification no. of the table.   
: contains the name of the object (i.e. the table).


: contains the type of the object (i.e. user table, system         

table, procedure, view, trigger, constraint etc)        
: contains the id of the table which references the id of the



: contains the id of the index that is between 0 and 255.

(Indid=0 is for a heap)

(Indid=1 is for a clustered index)

(Indid>1 is for a non-clustered index)

is for a LOB data i.e. text, ntext or image)


Sysindexes.dpages  :
For indid>1, it contains the no. of index pages.

For indid=0 or 1, it contains the no. of data pages.

For indid=255, it
is zero.


Sysindexes.reserved: After the first 8 pages are
allocated to a table, all future allocations

are in units of 8 pages called extents. It is the value of sum of all


For indid>1, it contains the no. of pages allocated for the index.

For indid=0 or 1, it contains the no. of pages allocated for all the 

and table data.

For indid=255, it contains the no. of pages allocated for text or         

image data.


: For indid>1, it contains the no. of pages used for the index.

For indid=0 or 1, it contains the no. of pages used for all the 

index and table data.

For indid=255, it contains the no. of pages used for text or         

image data.


: contains the no. of rows in the table for indid=0 or 1.


The script for the procedure is as follows:

Create proc spacedetails @runupdate varchar(5)=’FALSE’
Set nocount on
Declare @tablename varchar(128), @type varchar(12), @space_allocated int,
@no_of_records int, @data_space_used int, @index_space_used int,
@freespace int, @pages int

If @runupdate not in (‘true’,’false’)


Raiserror (‘Incorrect values, the valid values are true
or false’, 16,1)

If (@runupdate=’TRUE’)
dbcc updateusage(0) with no_infomsgs
–Print ‘DBCC Updateusage completed’
–Print ‘Retrieving space information for ‘+db_name() + ‘ database…’

 Create table #temp1
(table_name varchar(30),
table_type varchar(15),
no_of_records varchar(20),
space_allocated varchar(20),
data_space_used varchar(20),
index_space_used varchar(20),
freespace varchar(20))


Create table #temp2
tablename varchar(128),
tabletype varchar(12))

Insert into #temp2
Select [name], case when type=’S’ then ‘System Table’ else ‘User Table’ end
From sysobjects where type=’U’ or type=’S’

Declare c1 cursor for
Select tablename, tabletype from #temp2

Open c1
Fetch next from c1 into @tablename, @type
While (@@fetch_status=0)


Select @space_allocated = sum (reserved)*8 from
Where indid in (0, 1, 255) and id =object_id (@tablename)


Select  @no_of_records
= a. rows from sysindexes a
Where a.indid < 2 and = object_id (@tablename)


Select @pages = sum (dpages) from sysindexes
Where indid < 2 and id = object_id (@tablename)
Select @pages = @pages + isnull (sum (used), 0) from sysindexes
Where indid = 255 and id = object_id (@tablename)
Set @data_space_used = @pages*8

Select @index_space_used =(select sum (used) from sysindexes
Where indid in (0, 1, 255) and id = object_id (@tablename))*8
Set @index_space_used=@index_space_used – @data_space_used



Select @freespace =(select sum (used) from sysindexes
Where indid in (0, 1, 255) and id = object_id (@tablename))*8
Set @freespace=@space_allocated-@freespace

Insert into #temp1
(table_name, table_type, no_of_records, space_allocated, data_space_used,
index_space_used, freespace)
Values (@tablename,@type, convert (varchar(15),@no_of_records)+’ rows’,
convert (varchar(15), @space_allocated) + ‘KB’, convert(varchar(15),@data_space_used)
+ ‘KB’, convert(varchar(15),@index_space_used) + ‘KB’,convert(varchar(15),@freespace
)+ ‘KB’)

Fetch next from c1 into @tablename, @type

Select * from #temp1
Close c1
Deallocate c1
Set nocount off

And, this procedure takes an optional parameter as “true” or
“false”. If the value true is passed then it issues DBCC UPDATEUSAGE
on the current database else it skips this operation and retrieves the space
information. Use this option when you think that the space information
retrieved is not accurate. Certain operations such as select into will not
always update the rows column in sysindexes table correctly.  

So executing this procedure with a value of “true” forces the
values in sysindexes table to be updated. However there will be some lag time
between running this and looking at the contents of sysindexes. Running this
procedure with a value of “true” against huge database can take a lot of

If you have any comments, concerns or suggestions
regarding this you can mail me at


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