Stop Replication from a Subscriber and
Publisher Server
1. On the Subscriber Server
unsubscribe the Publication.
A. Go to the Server Manager Window.
B. Select the Subscriber Server.
C. From the Tools menu click on the
Manage Subscriptions button.
D. Drill down to the Article(s),
select the Article(s) and click Un-Subscribe.
E. Select the Publication (the Book
Icon above the Article) and click Un-Suscribe.
2. On the Publisher Server
unsubscribe the Publication.
A. Go to the Server Manager Window.
B. Select the Publisher Server.
C. From the Tools menu click on the
Manage Publications button.
D. Drill down to the Article(s),
select the Article(s) and click Un-Subscribe.
E. Select the Publication (the Book
Icon above the Article) and click Un-Suscribe.
Replication (It’s a ‘good practice’ to stop replication first)
1. On the Publisher/Distributor
Server remove Publishing. This process will eliminate all Publications and drop
the Distribution Database, if it exists.
A. Go to the Server Manager Window.
B. Select the Publisher/Distributor
Server (open up the plus sign).
C. Choose Server, Replication
Configuration, and Uninstall Publishing.
D. Click Yes and exit Enterprise
E. Stop/Start the MSSQLServer and
the SQLExecutive Services on both Servers using Control Panel and the Services
Applet. (Optional, a ‘good practice’).
F. Open Enterprise Manager and
select the Publisher/Distributor Server (open up the plus sign).
G. Choose Server and Replication
Note: If
‘Uninstall Publishing’ continues to show instead of ‘Install
Publishing’ this process may have to be repeated a couple of times.
2. If Replication is not removed
properly refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article titled ‘How to
Manually Remove Replication’. The Article ID is Q170481.
To Remove
Publications from Manage Subscriptions Window on the Subscriber Server
1. On the Subscriber Server remove
the Remote Server.
A. Go to the Server Manager Window.
B. Select the Subscriber Server.
C. Choose Server and then Remote
D. Select the Remote Server Name
from the drop-down box and click on the Drop button.
When the
Distribution Task Starts and Stops
1. The Distribution Task on the
Publisher Server automatically starts once the Subscriber Server subscribes to
the Publication.
2. The Distribution Task on the
Publisher Server automatically stops once the Subscriber Server unsubscribes to
the Publication.
Change a
Replication Task ScheduleFrequency (On the Publisher/Distributor)
1. Go to the Server Manager Window.
2. Select the Publisher/Distributor
3. From the Tools menu click on the
Manage Scheduled Tasks button.
4. Select a Task (ex. Sync) and
click the Edit Task button.
5. Click the Change button and
modify the frequency.
6. Click OK and then Modify.
Replication Tasks to Write to the NT Application Event Log on Success or Failure
(On the Publisher/Distributor)
1. Go to the Server Manager Window.
2. Select the Publisher/Distributor
3. From the Tools menu click on the
Manage Scheduled Tasks button.
4. Select a Task (ex. Sync) and
click the Edit Task button.
5. Click on the Options button.
6. Check the ‘On
Success’ or ‘On Failure’ box or both.
7. Click OK and then Modify.
Set Up
Replication on Tables with an Identity Column
1. Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge
Base Article titled ‘How to Set Up Replication on Tables with an Identity
Column’. The Ariticle ID is Q190690.
Compare the
SQL Settings on the Replication Servers
1. To check the Character Set and
Sort Order on the Publisher/Distribution and Subscriber Servers execute the
sp_helpsort SQL Statement.