These code samples
illustrate how to enable and disable all triggers in a database at one time – a
task not easily done otherwise! If you haven’t use DMO before, I’ve posted two
articles that you may find informative – Introduction to
SQL-DMO and More DMO.
If you wanted to do this using plain vanilla SQL
you would need to create a script that had one "Alter Table xx Disable
Trigger yy" statement per trigger. As written these should run in VBScript
or as an ActiveX job. If you would like to use them in VB you should set a
reference to the SQL-DMO object library so that you get statement completion and
can do strong data typing. One advantage to using code for a task like this is
you can easily modify it to only run on tables that start with ‘A’ or on
triggers that contact the word ‘Insert’ in their name.
Note (2/26/01):
Brian Knight has posted an
alternative that you may like better if you prefer TSQL to code! I’ve also
just posted a new DMO article demonstrating how
to do a restore
Enable Trigger
Dim oServer ‘change this to your database name Set oServer = createobject(“SQLDMO.SQLServer”) oServer.LoginSecure = True For Each oTable In oServer.Databases(DBName).Tables oServer.DisConnect |
Disable Trigger
Dim oServer ‘change this to your database name Set oServer = createobject(“SQLDMO.SQLServer”) oServer.LoginSecure = True For Each oTable In oServer.Databases(DBName).Tables oServer.DisConnect