Newly released, and available as a feature in eXtremeDB Transaction Logging, is McObject’s Data Relay technology. Designed to quickly share data between real-time, eXtremeDB based applications and external systems like a DBMS, Data Relay:
- Simplifies the code that “looks inside” database transactions for changes that should be relayed
- Guarantees maximum efficiency by eliminating the CPU-intensive task of monitoring database activity.
- Has an all-in-memory architecture to provide the fastest performance possible
- Buffers of eXtremeDB database transactions and keeps track of whether the operation was an insert, update, or delete so the changes can later be propagated to a DBMS
- Has a synchronous mode, in which the real-time database transaction can be committed only after relevant changes are selected, propagated and saved on the external DBMS; and an asynchronous mode, in which a transaction can commit on eXtremeDB before changes are saved outside the real-time system.