How to optimize database performance in a virtualized environment is going to be the topic of a one-hour webinar hosted by Embarcadero Technologies, which is available at 10 a.m. ET, 2 p.m. ET, or 10 p.m. ET on Thursday, September 30. Registrants will receive the guide: Maximizing Oracle Database Performance in a Virtualized Environment, which is written by the speakers Dave Welch, Scott Walz, and Kyle Hailey, all of whom have many years of experience and expertise with Oracle database. Specific things registrants will learn include:
- How to deliver optimized database performance and availability at the lowest possible cost
- Best practices when evaluating and implementing VMware vSphere or Oracle VM
- What the manuals, whitepapers and salespeople aren’t telling you
- Oracle licensing dynamics and deltas within and across virtualization vendors
- How to prevent common performance issues like SCSI queue saturation