It would seem that Monty Widenius, creator of MySQL, has delivered his petition to stop Oracle from getting MySQL in the Oracle / Sun deal to regulators, governmental bodies, parliament, and journalists in Europe—reportedly sent to 27 national antitrust authorities within the EU who are will be meeting in Brussels in January. And, just in case the European Commission does nothing, the petition has been sent to the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. Plans are also in the works to send the petition to the Swiss Wettbewerbskcommission and authorities in Japan and Brazil.
More than 16,000 signatures from developers, contractors, and companies of all sizes have been collected so far as can be seen on Monty’s Petition Statistics webpage that seems to continually keep climbing. New signatures, according to campaign organizer Florian Mueller, will be delivered one or two times every week until a positive outcome is seen or the campaign itself just fizzles out.