In the first
part of this series, I showed you how to use Access 2007 as a graphical
front end to a back-end DB2 data server. Specifically, I showed you how to
implement linked tables and create an abstraction layer over those linked
tables such that information workers can work with business artifacts directly
without worrying about different naming conventions; all the while, the data
resides in a DB2 data server and there is virtually no hit to productivity. In
this article, I want to delve deeper into what you can do with the data that
resides in those linked tables, add more tables to our Access 2007 front end to
show how to leverage DB2 as an integration layer, and demonstrate some of the
business rules that Access 2007 maintains when presenting DB2 data to
information workers.
Before you start
This series assumes that you’ve linked the DatabaseJournalAccess2DB2
Access 2007 database created in Part 1 to the ORG, EMPLOYEE, STAFF, DEPT, and
INVENTORY tables in the DB2 SAMPLE database and created an abstraction layer
over those tables such that the All Tables view looks like this:
If you need help getting to this point, check out “DB2 9 and
Microsoft Access 2007 Part 1:
Getting the Data…”.
Working with DB2 data in Access 2007
At this point, you’ve got some linked tables set up for a
number of tables that reside in the SAMPLE DB2 database. As previously
mentioned, you can easily see any of the data these tables hold by
double-clicking the table in the All Tables view. In the following
figure, I opened the Staff business object, which links to the STAFF table in
the SAMPLE database:
As you can see in the previous figure, Access 2007 returns
the data for a given table in a native Microsoft data grid. This provides you
with a usable way in which to work with your data.
Note: The term data
grid refers to the Access 2007 object that houses a data set. A data
set is the set of data that is returned by a query, stored procedure, linked
table, and so on. A data grid is used to display a data set to information
workers in Access 2007. In this article, I refer to these terms. When I refer
to a data grid, I’m referring to any of the operational controls that Access
2007 allows you to perform; for example: .
When I refer to the data set, I mean data; for example, in the previous figure,
part of the data set.
Consider the result set from the query SELECT * FROM STAFF when run from the
DB2 command line processor (DB2 CLP) against the SAMPLE database:
You can easily add a record to the STAFF table, through the
Staff linked table, using Access 2007. To add a record to a data set, scroll
down to the bottom of an Access 2007 data grid, locate the empty cell, and use
it to add a new row. An asterisk (*) denotes this input row. For this
example, add a new row as follows:
Notice that when you begin to edit a row, an edit icon ()
appears in the left margin of the data grid of the row you are editing. This
icon denotes that you are changing or adding data to a data set (in this case, the
STAFF table).
You can alter existing data in the data set’s rows as well.
For example, for employee Gafney, change his job to Mgr by
overwriting Clerk. You can put focus on this row by clicking any field
in the row and Access 2007 will highlight the row to show you that the focus
has changed.
When you have finished making changes to a row, simply click
elsewhere in the data grid and shift focus away from the row you just changed
(or added).
Note: If you press Enter while editing a
field, Access 2007 changes focus to the next field in the row.
The color of the margin in the data grid changes according to
the action you are performing. By default, the whole row is selected. (An
orange line surrounded the entire row when you selected it in the previous
figure.) When you change a specific column, the orange focus surrounds the
field being changed and the margin marker ()
turns orange ()
to show you have changed focus on a specific
field in a specific row. As you change the data, the margin marker will
show the change icon again ().
To commit any changes you make, click the ,
as shown below:
If you ran the same query in the DB2 CLP, you would see
these changes. (I’m showing you the results in the DB2 CLP so you can see that
changes are occurring; of course, you could simply reopen the data grid to see
them as well):
If you’re a database administrator (DBA) and you’re reading
this article, you may be having a bit of a fit right now imagining all sort of
devious data corruption incidents that you’re going to be on the hook for. You
can relax: Access 2007 keeps the authorization profiles that are assigned to
users in DB2. In other words, if you don’t have write access to a table (or if a
table is removed) then you won’t be able to write to it.
In the following figure, you can see that I gave Chloe
access to the STAFF table, but only for read operations:
Now if user Chloe uses Access 2007 to see data in the STAFF
table, she will be able to view the data, but won’t be able to make any of the changes
I detailed above. For example, if Chloe tried to make the following change to
the ORG table:
Access 2007 would return the following error messages:
You can also see that Chloe doesn’t have access to the ORG
table either (which she sees as Organization in Access 2007):
If she tries to access this table through Access 2007, she will
receive the following error message:
This authorization enforcement is dynamic: a DBA’s changes
to the authorization semantics for a given set of database objects are
effective immediately.
Besides altering and inserting data, you can delete data
from the data grid as well if you have the right privileges:
Now if you look at the STAFF table you would see that this
row no longer exists:
But you can see that the change made to employee 350
is still here, which shouldn’t be surprising.
Access 2007 will honor advanced table features such as generated
columns, sequences, and so on. For example, create a table called COMPLAINTS
using the following DDL (substitute your own schema for PAULZ where