DB2 9 and Microsoft Excel 2007 Part 3: Building Your Own Queries…

In my last two articles on
Microsoft Excel 2007 (Excel 2007) and DB2 I showed you how to get DB2 data into
your worksheets and work with that data with some of the new advanced and very
powerful features that are new in Excel 2007; at the same time, I’ve been
introducing you to the new framework that accompanies Excel 2007.

Since these articles have published, I received some
questions that relate to the data set I pulled into my example. Specifically,
all my examples showed you all the data within a table: complete data sets. I
was asked what happens if you don’t need all the data, just some of it. The
reason why all the data in the table is always returned is because I showed you
how to use the From Data Connection Wizard option from the Data ribbon
in the”DB2
9 and Microsoft Excel 2007 Part 1: Getting the Data…”

In this article, I’m going to show you how to use the Microsoft
Query function that’s part of Excel 2007 to customize the data that’s retrieved
from the STAFF table as opposed to the entire data that’s retrieved when using
the DB2STAFFTABLE connection object that I showed you how to build in Part1.

Specifically, I’m going to show you how to list all the IDs,
names, job classifications, years of service, and salaries of all the employees
who work in the Sales department, aren’t in department 20, and make over
$35,000 a year. Additionally, this data will be ordered according to the salary
in descending order. This result set could be created by writing the following
SQL query:


If you run this query against the SAMPLE database in DB2 9,
you should receive the following results:

Note: To create the
SAMPLE database if you haven’t already done so, enter the db2sampl command
from your operating system’s command line processor (CLP).

Using Microsoft Query to get your data

To get your DB2 data into the Microsoft Query Builder in
Excel 2007, you use the Data ribbon in the same manner that I showed you
with the Data Connection wizard.

From the Get External Data frame, perform the
following steps:

In the Data ribbon, select From Other Sources>From Microsoft Query. The Choose Data
source window opens.

2.  Select the database alias name for the SAMPLE database (assuming it’s
already defined) from the list in the Choose Data Source window. Ensure the Use
the Query Wizard to create/edit queries
(the default option) is selected,
and click OK.

If you created the SAMPLE database
on the same machine where you intend to import the data into your Excel 2007
worksheet, it should already appear in this window.

If the database you want to connect
to doesn’t appear in this list, you can add it by performing the following

a.  Double-click <New Data Source> in the Databases tab.
The Create New Data Source window opens.

b.  Enter a database alias name for your database in the What name do
you want to give your data source?

c.  Select the appropriate driver for this database connection from the Select
a driver for the type of database you want to access
field. The Create New Data
Source window should look similar to this:

Note: If IBM DB2
ODBC Driver – DB2COPY1
doesn’t exist, select IBM DB2 ODBC Driver.
Depending on what’s installed on your system, and the number of copies or different
versions of DB2 software you have, you may see one, both, or more of these

d.  Click Connect. The Connect To DB2 Database window opens. Select
the actual name of the database alias name you defined in Step b, as well as
the appropriate credentials in the User ID and Password fields,
and click OK.

If the connection was successful,
you will see the name of the database beside the Connect button in the
Create New Data Source window:

You can use the Select a
default table for your data source (optional)
field to pick a table that this
connection will return. If want to connect to other tables in the database, you
should leave this field blank. This way, Excel 2007 will give you the option to
select the table you want to connect to each time you invoke this connection.

e.  Click OK.

3.  Expand the STAFF table in the Available tables and columns list
and use to
move the columns you want in the query to the Columns in your query list,
and click Next. If you’re trying to build the query outlined at the
start of this article, the Query Wizard – Choose Columns page should look like

So far, we’ve written
FROM STAFF part of our query.

Note: As an
alternative to selecting a column and clicking each
time, you can simply double-click the column and it will automatically move
over to the Columns in your query list.

You can use Preview Now to
look at the data if you want to ensure it contains the values you are looking
for. In the previous figure, you can see that I previewed the COMM column’s

If you’re dealing with a database
that has a large schema (for example, some ERP systems have over 30,000 tables),
the Options button is going to become your best friend. You can click
this button to filter (by schema name or object type) the list of objects
returned to this wizard. For example, the following configuration only returns
tables in alphabetical order that belong to the PAULZ schema which makes
locating the STAFF table much easier:

4.  Use the filter data part of this wizard to apply the WHERE clause to the query by performing the
following steps, clicking Next on each page:

a.  Select JOB and set the Only include rows where box to equals
and Sales:

b.  Select DEPT and set the Only include rows where box to does
not equal
and 20:

c.  Select SALARY and set the Only include rows where box to is
greater than
and 35000.00:

These steps define the WHERE STAFF.JOB = ‘Sales’ AND NOT STAFF.DEPT = 20 AND
STAFF.SALARY > 35000 part of this query.

Each time you select a column from
the Column to filter list, you’re implicitly adding AND conditions to your query. This can be
confusing because there are And and Or radio buttons for each column. You should
be aware that these are for the highlighted column, not the query. You can see
this by selecting each of the columns you just set in the previous steps; you
will see that they each have their own setting. The And and Or radio
buttons in the previous figure allow you to further filter data for a specific

5.  Finally, define the sort order by selecting the Salary column
from the Sort Order drop-down list and select Descending, and then
click Next.

This step defines the final portion of the

6.  Select Return Data to Microsoft Office Excel and click Finish:

7.  Select Table and click OK (the rest of the options on
this window are fine for now):

Excel 2007 now connects to the
target database and retrieves that data using the SQL statement you just built
(although you didn’t really hand-code any SQL). If the data server is slow, or
the SQL statement takes a long time to process, Excel 2007 will tell you it’s
working on your query:

The results of your query are returned
to your Excel 2007 worksheet:

Paul Zikopoulos
Paul Zikopoulos
Paul C. Zikopoulos, BA, MBA is the Program Director for the DB2 Evangelist team at IBM. He is an award-winning writer and speaker with more than 14 years of experience with DB2. Paul has written more than 230 magazine articles and 11 books on DB2 including, Information on Demand: Introduction to DB2 9.5 New Features, DB2 9 Database Administration Certification Guide and Reference (6th Edition), DB2 9: New Features, Information on Demand: Introduction to DB2 9 New Features, Off to the Races with Apache Derby, DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide, DB2: The Complete Reference, DB2 Fundamentals Certification for Dummies, DB2 for Dummies, and A DBA's Guide to Databases on Linux. Paul is a DB2 Certified Advanced Technical Expert (DRDA and Clusters) and a DB2 Certified Solutions Expert (BI and DBA). In his spare time, he enjoys all sorts of sporting activities, including running with his dog Chachi, avoiding punches in his MMA training, and trying to figure out the world according to Chloë - his daughter.

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