Use this procedure to locate and open the AdventureWorks Sample
Reports project that ships with MSSQL Server Reporting Services 2005.
To begin, we’ll launch
the SQL Server Business
Intelligence Development Studio.
Click Start.
Navigate to, and click, SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio, as appropriate.
The equivalent on my PC
appears as depicted in Illustration 1.
Illustration 1:
Launching SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio
briefly see a splash page that lists the components installed on the PC, and
then Visual Studio .NET 2005 opens at the Start page.
Close the Start
page, if desired.
Select File
–à Open from the main menu.
Click Project
/ Solution … from the cascading menu, as shown in Illustration 2.
Illustration 2:
Selecting a New Project
The Open
Project dialog appears.
The reports are installed, by default (and, therefore,
subject to be installed in a different location on our individual machines), in
the following location.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Samples\Reporting Services\Report Samples\AdventureWorks Sample Reports
file within the sample reports folder, as depicted (circled) in Illustration
Illustration 3: The Open
Project Dialog, with Our Selection Circled …
Click Open.
The AdventureWorks
Sample Reports solution opens, and we see the various objects within appear
in Solution Explorer, as shown in Illustration 4.
Illustration 4: The
Solution Opens within BI Development Studio …