>>Script Language and Platform: Access, VBA
Want to use this function in PHP/MySQL but new to PHP/MySQL. It works by taking the select member code description and the last assigned number and format as CON-00001 once the focus in lost after selecting the member description from dropdown list on the form.
Author: lrhrose
Option Compare Database Function newMemCode(pMemID) As String Dim dbs As Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim L_newMemCode As String On Error GoTo Err_Execute Set dbs = CurrentDb() Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select last_assigned_nbr From Codes Where code_descr = '" & pMemID & "'") If rst.EOF = True Then dbs.Execute "Insert Into Codes(code_descr, last_assigned_nbr) Values('" & pMemID & "', 1)", dbFailOnError L_newMemCode = pMemID & "-" & Format(1, "00000") Else L_newMemCode = pMemID & "-" & Format(rst("last_assigned_nbr") + 1, "00000") dbs.Execute "Update Codes Set last_assigned_nbr = " & rst("last_assigned_nbr") + 1 & " Where code_descr = '" & pMemID & "'", dbFailOnError End If rst.Close Set rst = Nothing Set dbs = Nothing newMemCode = L_newMemCode Exit Function Err_Execute: newMemCode = "" MsgBox "An error occurred while trying to determine the next memberCode to assign." End Function
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