>>Script Language and Platform: SQL Server
History to analyse the growth of the databases size over a given period. Additional to the minimum, maximum and average size per week the growth of average size related to the former week is calculated.
AAuthor: Surekha K
DECLARE @GROWTHDAYS int SET @GROWTHDAYS = 7 SELECT DISTINCT TOP 10 (SELECT SD.IPAddress FROM ServersDetails SD WHERE SD.ServerID = dl.ServerID) IPAddress, dl.DatabaseName, dl.DataDrive, ((SELECT TOP 1 dl1.DataSizeInMB FROM DatabasesList dl1 WHERE CAST(dl1.UpdatedDate AS DATE) = (SELECT CAST(MAX(LS.UpdatedDate) AS date) FROM DatabasesList LS WHERE ls.ServerID = dl.ServerID AND ls.DatabaseName = dl.DatabaseName) AND dl1.DatabaseName = dl.DatabaseName AND dl1.ServerID = dl.ServerID) - (SELECT TOP 1 dl1.DataSizeInMB FROM DatabasesList dl1 WHERE /*CAST(dl1.UpdatedDate AS DATE) = (SELECT CAST(MIN(LS.UpdatedDate) as date) FROM DatabasesList LS where ls.ServerID=dl.ServerID and ls.DatabaseName=dl.DatabaseName) */ CAST(dl1.UpdatedDate AS DATE) >= (SELECT CAST(MAX (LS.UpdatedDate - @GROWTHDAYS) AS date) FROM DatabasesList LS WHERE ls.ServerID = dl.ServerID AND ls.DatabaseName = dl.DatabaseName) AND dl1.DatabaseName = dl.DatabaseName AND dl1.ServerID = dl.ServerID)) GrowthMBInLastSevenDays FROM (SELECT dlmain.DatabaseName, dlmain.DataDrive, dlmain.LogDrive, dlmain.ServerID FROM DatabasesList dlmain GROUP BY dlmain.DatabaseName, dlmain.DataDrive, dlmain.LogDrive, dlmain.ServerID) dl ORDER BY GrowthMBInLastSevenDays DESC
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