>>Script Language and Platform: Oracle
Returns a new datetime value based on adding an interval to the specified date.
DATEADD ( datepart , number, date )
1)Subtract 10 days from ’05/APR/2004′
Select DateADD('dd' , -10, to_date('05/APR/2004')) from dual ------------ 03/26/2004
2)ADD 30 days to MAR return
Select DateADD('dd' , 30, to_date('31-MAR-2003')) from dual --------- 04/30/2003
3) Add 2 months to 29/FEB/2004
Select DateADD('M' , 2, '29-FEB-2004') from dual; -------- 04/29/2004
4) Add 2 hours to ’01-JAN-2003 10:33:44′
Select to_char(DateADD ( 'h' , 3 , to_date('01-JAN-2003 10:33:44' , 'dd-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') ) , 'dd-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS' ) From dual; --------- 01-JAN-2003 01:33:44
Author: George Antony
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