>>Script Language and Platform: T-Sql
This script gives a table, with
Table, Index, Index contained, Index that contains.
I recommend to review each case,
before you drop.
I run it in the Query Analyzer,
one statement at a time.
Author: Fernando Madrigal Hidalgo
USE database— tab,idx,col,order
create view listaidxcols as
select SO.name as tabname,
SI.name as idxname,
IK.keyno as keyno,
SC.name as colname
from sysindexkeys IK,
syscolumns SC,
sysindexes SI,
sysobjects SO
where — Link syscolumns
and IK.colid=SC.colid
— link sysindexes
and IK.id=SI.id
and IK.indid=SI.indid
— Link a sysObjects (tablas)
and IK.id=SO.id
and SO.xtype=’U’
and SI.name not like ‘_WA_Sys_%’
and SI.name not like ‘hind_%’— how many cols x index
create view cantcolsidx
as select tabname,
count(*) as numllaves
from listaidxcols
group by tabname,idxname— get the redundant index list
select A.tabname as tabla,A.idxname as Aidx, B.idxname as Bidx
from cantcolsidx A, cantcolsidx B
where A.tabname = B.tabname
and A.numllaves < B.numllaves
and A.idxname <> B.idxname
and A.numllaves in (
select count(*)
from listaidxcols C, listaidxcols D
where C.tabname=A.tabname
and C.idxname=A.idxname
and D.tabname=B.tabname
and D.idxname=B.idxname
and C.idxname<>D.idxname
and C.colname=D.colname
and C.keyno =D.keyno
)— Clean up
drop view listaidxcols;
drop view cantcolsidx;
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