>>Script Language and Platform: SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005
This script searches a column on all the databases from a server.
Note: Please update @columnnametosearch with the column name that you are searching.
Please choose the right script based on your SQL Server version.
Author: MAK
–If SQL Server 2000use master
set quoted_identifier off
declare @columnnametosearch varchar(128)
declare @query varchar(1000)
set @columnnametosearch =’Firstname’
set @query=’set quoted_identifier off begin use [?] end begin
select db_name() as databasename,
object_name(id) as Objectname,
Name as ColumnName from syscolumns
where name =”‘+@columnnametosearch+'” end’
–print @query
exec sp_msforeachdb @query–If SQL Server 2005
use master
set quoted_identifier off
declare @columnnametosearch varchar(128)
declare @query varchar(1000)
set @columnnametosearch =’Firstname’
set @query=’set quoted_identifier off begin use [?] end begin
select db_name() as databasename,
object_name(object_id) as Objectname,
Name as ColumnName from sys.columns
where name =”‘+@columnnametosearch+'” end’
–print @query
exec sp_msforeachdb @query
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