>>Script Language and Platform: SQL Server 2000
–Objective: Displays first day previous month
select dbo.FirstDayofPreviousMonth (’03/04/2004′)
2004-02-01 00:00:00.000
select dbo.FirstDayofPreviousMonth (’01/01/2004′)
2003-12-01 00:00:00.000
select dbo.FirstDayofPreviousMonth (’08/08/2004′)
2004-07-01 00:00:00.000
Author: MAK
create function dbo.FirstDayofPreviousMonth (@date datetime)
returns datetime
–Objective: returns first day of previous month for a given date.
declare @returndate datetime
declare @returndatevar varchar(8)
set @date=dateadd(MM,-1,@date)
set @returndatevar =Convert(varchar(8),@date,112)
set @returndate =convert(datetime,left(@returndatevar,6)+’01’,112)
return @returndate
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