>>Script Language and Platform: Oracle
In one report, I have to display the matched records from tables A and B, unmatched records from table A, unmatched records from table B–similar to a full outer join.
Due to some constraints I can not use a full outer join on my two large tables.
Author: JP Vijaykumar
Author JP Vijaykumar Oracle DBA
Date 04-12-2009
In reporting, I have to join two very large table through a full outer join.
For some reason, I have to avoild full outer join on the two large tables.
What are my options? I simulated this test case scenario.
create table temp_jp1(col1 number, col2 varchar2(20)) tablespace users;
create table temp_jp2(col1 number, col2 varchar2(20)) tablespace users;
insert into temp_jp1 values(1,’ram’);
insert into temp_jp1 values(2,’sita’);
insert into temp_jp1 values(4,’lakshman’);
insert into temp_jp1 values(6,’bharath’);
insert into temp_jp1 values(8,’satrughnu’);
insert into temp_jp2 values(1,’ram’);
insert into temp_jp2 values(3,’krishna’);
insert into temp_jp2 values(4,’urmila’);
insert into temp_jp2 values(5,’radha’);
insert into temp_jp2 values(7,’satyabhama’);
insert into temp_jp2 values(9,’mira’);
Commit;select * from temp_jp1;
———- ——————–
1 ram
2 sita
4 lakshman
6 bharath
8 satrughnu5 rows selected.
select * from temp_jp2;
———- ——————–
1 ram
3 krishna
4 urmila
5 radha
7 satyabhama
9 mira6 rows selected.
Using an equi join I get this output.
*/select a.col1,a.col2,b.col2
from temp_jp1 a, temp_jp2 b
where a.col1 = b.col1;COL1 COL2 COL2
———- ——————– ——————–
1 ram ram
4 lakshman urmila2 rows selected.
Now a full outer join on the two tables will give the following output.
*/select a.col1,nvl(a.col2,’ *** ‘) col2,nvl(b.col2,’ *** ‘) col2
from temp_jp1 a, temp_jp2 b
where a.col1 = b.col1(+)
select b.col1,nvl(a.col2,’ *** ‘),nvl(b.col2,’ *** ‘)
from temp_jp1 a, temp_jp2 b
where a.col1(+) = b.col1;COL1 COL2 COL2
———- ——————– ——————–
1 ram ram
2 sita ***
3 *** krishna
4 lakshman urmila
5 *** radha
6 bharath ***
7 *** satyabhama
8 satrughnu ***
9 *** mira9 rows selected.
I wrote the following script to simulate a full outer join on my two tables.
*/SQL> declare
2 v_num number;
3 v_str varchar2(20);
4 begin
5 for c1 in (select col1,col2 from temp_jp1) loop
6 v_num :=0;
7 select count(*) into v_num from temp_jp2 where col1 = c1.col1;
8 if (v_num > 0) then
9 select col2 into v_str from temp_jp2 where col1 = c1.col1;
10 dbms_output.put_line(c1.col1||’ ‘||c1.col2||’ ‘||v_str);
11 else
12 dbms_output.put_line(c1.col1||’ ‘||c1.col2||’ **** ‘);
13 end if;
14 end loop;
15 for c2 in (select col1,col2 from temp_jp2) loop
16 v_num :=0;
17 select count(*) into v_num from temp_jp1 where col1 = c2.col1;
18 if (v_num > 0) then
19 null;
20 else
21 dbms_output.put_line(c2.col1||’ **** ‘||c2.col2);
22 end if;
23 end loop;
24 end;
25 /
1 ram ram
2 sita ****
4 lakshman urmila
6 bharath ****
8 satrughnu ****
3 **** krishna
5 **** radha
7 **** satyabhama
9 **** miraPL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
The col1 is not in sorted order. I re-created my script with different logic.
v_str1 varchar2(100);
v_str2 varchar2(100);
v_count number;
v_max number;
select case when a.max > b.max then a.max else b.max end into v_max
from (select max(col1) max from temp_jp1) a,
(select max(col1) max from temp_jp2) b;for i in 1..v_max loop
select count(1) into v_count from temp_jp1 where col1 = i;if (v_count > 0) then
select col2 into v_str1 from temp_jp1 where col1 = i;
end if;
select count(1) into v_count from temp_jp2 where col1 = i;if (v_count > 0) then
select col2 into v_str2 from temp_jp2 where col1 = i;
end if;if ((v_str1 is not null ) and (v_str2 is not null )) then
elsif ((v_str1 is not null ) and (v_str2 is null )) then
elsif ((v_str1 is null) and (v_str2 is not null )) then
end if;if (v_str1 is not null) then
dbms_output.put_line(i||’ ‘||v_str1);
end if;exception
when others then
end loop;
end;1 ram|ram
2 sita|*********
3 *******|krishna
4 lakshman|urmila
5 *******|radha
6 bharath|*********
7 *******|satyabhama
8 satrughnu|*********
9 *******|miraPL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Happy scripting.
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