>>Script Language and Platform: SQL Server 2000
This function strips HTML tags (or any string between < and > characters) out of text strings.
Declare @MyText varchar(30)
Set @MyText = ‘<b>My <i>sample</i> Text</b>’Select dbo.fnStripTags(@MyText)
My sample Text(1 row(s) affected)
Author: Robert Davis
Object: User Defined Function dbo.fnStripTags
Script Author: Robert Davis, robertd@realtechllc.com
Purpose: Strip HTML tags out of text. Anything enclosed in ‘<‘ and ‘>’ will be removed.
******/Create Function dbo.fnStripTags
(@Dirty varchar(4000))
Returns varchar(4000)
Declare @Start int,
@End int,
@Length intWhile CharIndex(‘<‘, @Dirty) > 0 And CharIndex(‘>’, @Dirty, CharIndex(‘<‘, @Dirty)) > 0
Select @Start = CharIndex(‘<‘, @Dirty),
@End = CharIndex(‘>’, @Dirty, CharIndex(‘<‘, @Dirty))
Select @Length = (@End – @Start) + 1
If @Length > 0
Select @Dirty = Stuff(@Dirty, @Start, @Length, ”)
Endreturn @Dirty
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