>>Script Language and Platform: MS SQL 2000 ,MS SQL 7.0
Get a specific weekday of a month by passing any date.
–Usage explanation for Function
Getting Second Tuesday of May/2003 by executing
select dbo.UDF_getdate(2,3,’5/26/2003′)
–Usage explanation for Stored Procedure
Getting the fifth Friday of May/2003 by excuting
exec usp_getdate 5,6,’5/1/2003′
–Both Function and Stored procedure can detect error inserts.
Author: Claire Hsu
* Script Language and Platform:MS SQL 2000
* Objecttive: Get specific weekday of a month by passing any date
* Usage:Getting Second Tuesday of May/2003 by passing
* select dbo.UDF_getdate(2,3,’5/26/2003′)
* Author:Claire Hsu
* Date :2003/5/26
* Email:messageclaire@yahoo.com
* Description:This script contains both funciton and procedure.
* You could apply accordingly
*/–Here is the code for Function
create function dbo.UDF_getdate (@week int,@dw int,@dayw1 varchar(25))
returns datetime
begindeclare @v1 int
declare @v2 int
declare @dayw datetimeif isdate(@dayw1) <> 1
set @dayw = null
set @dayw = convert(datetime,@dayw1 )
if @dw >8 or @dw <=0 or @week >=6 or @week <=0 begin set @dayw = null end else begin set @v1 = month(@dayw) set @dayw = cast(convert(char,@v1)+'/1/'+convert(char,year(@dayw)) as datetime) set @v2 = datepart(dw,@dayw) if @v2 >@dw
set @dayw = dateadd(d,@week*7-(@v2-@dw),@dayw)
endif @v2<=@dw begin set @dayw = dateadd(d,(@week-1)*7+(@dw-@v2),@dayw) end if month(@dayw)>@v1
set @dayw = null
set @dayw = @dayw
end–Usage on single select statement
–The following statement gives you the Second Sunday of May/2003
–select dbo.UDF_getdate(2,1,’5/35/2003′)–Example2
–The following statement gives you the Third Wednesday of Feb/2003
–select dbo.UDF_getdate(3,4,’2/14/2003′)–Example3
–The following statement gives you the Forth Monday of Dec/2003
–select dbo.UDF_getdate(4,2,’12/25/2003′)–Usage on table
–The following statement gives you the reuslt for the whole table
–select dbo.UDF_getdate(week,weekday,datetime_filed_column) from table_name
—————————————————————————-–Here is the code for Stored Procedure
create proc USP_getdate @week int,@dw int,@dayw1 varchar(25)
declare @v1 int
declare @v2 int
declare @dayw datetimeif isdate(@dayw1) <> 1
raiserror(“Out-of-Range datetime value”,16,1)
set @dayw = convert(datetime,@dayw1 )
if @dw >8 or @dw <=0 or @week >=6 or @week <=0 begin raiserror("Your insert in invalid wither in week or day of the week",16,1) end else begin set @v1 = month(@dayw) set @dayw = cast(convert(char,@v1)+'/1/'+convert(char,year(@dayw)) as datetime) set @v2 = datepart(dw,@dayw) if @v2 >@dw
set @dayw = dateadd(d,@week*7-(@v2-@dw),@dayw)if @v2<=@dw set @dayw = dateadd(d,(@week-1)*7+(@dw-@v2),@dayw) if month(@dayw)>@v1
raiserror(“Your insert is invalid in week ,the week should be
less or equal to 4″,16,1)else
select @dayw
–exec usp_getdate 2,5,’6/23/2003′ The second Thursday of Jun/2003
–exec usp_getdate 5,6,’5/1/2003′ The fifth Friday of May/2003
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