>>Script Language and Platform: Oracle PL/SQL
The purpose of this code is to provide an example of the new pipelined and parallel PL/SQL table functions available in Oracle9i Database.
Author: Claudiu Ariton
Script Code: create table phones
(cust_id number(12) primary key,
phone1 varchar2(50),
phone2 varchar2(50),
phone3 varchar2(50),
phone4 varchar2(50),
phone5 varchar2(50)
/— insert data into table
beginfor i in 1..1000000 loop
insert into phones values (i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4,i+5);if mod(i,1000)=0 then
end if;end loop;
/create or replace package TypePkg is
type PhoneRecord is RECORD
(cust_id number(12),
phone1 varchar2(50),
phone2 varchar2(50),
phone3 varchar2(50),
phone4 varchar2(50),
phone5 varchar2(50));
type PhoneCursorType is REF CURSOR return PhoneRecord;
/create or replace type PhoneResult as object
( cust_id number(12),
phone varchar2(50) );
/create or replace type PhoneResultTab as table of PhoneResult;
/create or replace function GetPhones (inrecs IN TypePkg.PhoneCursorType)
return PhoneResultTab pipelined
order inrecs by ( cust_id )
parallel_enable ( partition inrecs by Hash ( cust_id ) )
ascurrec PhoneResult := PhoneResult(null, null);
initrec TypePkg.PhoneRecord;begin
fetch inrecs into initrec.cust_id, initrec.phone1, initrec.phone2,
initrec.phone3, initrec.phone4, initrec.phone5;
exit when inrecs%NOTFOUND;currec.cust_id:=initrec.cust_id;
if initrec.phone1 is not null then
pipe row(currec);
end if;if initrec.phone2 is not null then
pipe row(currec);
end if;if initrec.phone3 is not null then
pipe row(currec);
end if;if initrec.phone4 is not null then
pipe row(currec);
end if;if initrec.phone5 is not null then
pipe row(currec);
end if;end loop;
close inrecs;
Test:select * from
cust_id,phone1,phone2,phone3,phone4,phone5 from phones)) AS
/select /*+ USE_NL(vt) */ cust_id,phone from
cust_id,phone1,phone2,phone3,phone4,phone5 from phones)) AS
PhoneResultTab)) vt
where exists
(select /*+ USE_NL(p) */ cust_id,phone1 from phones p where
p.cust_id=vt.cust_id and p.PHONE1=vt.phone)
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