>>Script Language and Platform: MS-DOS Batch File
This batch file will reboot machines.
b. Login or the scheduled job that runs this reboot.bat should have admin access
to all the machines
2. Step2: Create D:scriptsrebootreboot.bat
REM Objective: TO reboot all the
machines listed in D:scriptrebootserverlist.txt
REM Created by : MAK
REM Created Date: Jan 5, 2005
REM Save this file as
for /f “tokens=1,2,3” %%i in
do c:windowssystem32shutdown.exe /m \%%i /r /f /c
“You machine is going to be restarted in 10 minutes” /t 600
3. Step3: Create D:scriptsrebootAbortreboot.bat
REM Objective: TO abort reboot on all the machine listed in
REM Created by : MAK
REM Created Date: Jan 5, 2005
REM Save this file as D:scriptsrebootabortreboot.bat
for /f “tokens=1,2,3” %%i in
do c:windowssystem32shutdown.exe /a /m \%%i
Author: MAK
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