>>Script Language and Platform: Sybase Transact SQL
This stored procedure displays used vdevno & shows the first free vdevno.
Author: jflebon
use sybsystemprocs
goif exists (select name from sybsystemprocs..sysobjects
where name=”sp_dba_vdevno” and type=”P”)
drop procedure sp_dba_vdevno
gocreate procedure sp_dba_vdevno
/**@(#) Author : JF LEBON
*@(#) Version : 1.1
*@(#) Date : 31/05/2003
*@(#) Syntax : exec sp_dba_vdevno
*@(#) Comments : Display used vdevno & show first free vdevno
*@(#) Changes :*/
set nocount on
— Few variables…
declare @msg varchar(255), @firstfreevdevno int— Nobody but SA !
if suser_id() !=1
select @msg = “WARNING : You must be SA to execute this procedure.”
print @msg
return (1)
end— Never use it inside a transaction !
if @@trancount > 0
print “WARNING : You CANNOT use this procedure inside a transaction.”
return (1)
end— Enjoy your flight !
select ‘vdevno’ = low/power(2,24), ‘device_name’ = name, status
from master..sysdevices where cntrltype = 0 order by ‘vdevno’
print ”select @firstfreevdevno = max(low/power(2,24)) +1
from master..sysdevices where cntrltype = 0select ‘DEVICES’ = ‘======>’, ‘Config Value’ = a.value, ‘Run Value’ = b.value,
‘First Free vdevno’ = @firstfreevdevno
from master..sysconfigures a, master..syscurconfigs b
where a.config = b.config and a.name = “number of devices”
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