This script generates simple pivot tables on data and outputs the final SQL statement via Print.
For example, given data as shown below:
ID year type amt
———– ———– ———– ———–
7 1999 1 23
8 1999 2 44
9 1999 3 55
10 2000 1 66
11 2000 2 77
12 2000 3 88
13 1999 1 11
… you can pivot the data to show the years down the side and the types across the top…
year 1 2 3 RowTotal
———– ———– ———– ———– ———–
1999 34 44 55 133
2000 66 77 88 231
… and get the SQL which would produce this table
SELECT Pivot_Data.*,
(Pivot_Data.[1] + Pivot_Data.[2] + Pivot_Data.[3]) AS RowTotal
FROM (SELECT [year],
SUM(CASE [type] WHEN ‘1’ THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [1],
SUM(CASE [type] WHEN ‘2’ THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [2],
SUM(CASE [type] WHEN ‘3’ THEN [amt] ELSE 0 END) AS [3]
FROM (select * from zzjunk) AS Base_Data
GROUP BY [year]) AS Pivot_Data
.. by calling the procedure as shown below:
exec sp_Query_Pivot ‘select * from zzjunk’, ‘[year]’, ‘[type]’,
‘Select distinct [type] from zzjunk’, ‘SUM’, ‘[amt]’, ‘Y’
Author: Jeff Zohrab
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