If you are tired of running the same old Oracle AWR
reports, not getting to the data quickly, or just need to write your own, then
this article will get you started.
Oracle’s Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), through
snapshots, collects and maintains a set of statistics that can be used for
performance tuning through the use of canned reports. Wow! That was a lot of
information in one sentence and it is assumed that we all are knowledgeable
with AWR, snapshots, and the underlying structures. We are only going to touch
AWR very lightly in this article but probably in a way you haven’t done before.
First, AWR is nothing more than, as the name states, a repository that holds
statistical information. This information is collected through a snapshot
(point-in-time collection) process that inserts rows into structures that can
be queried at a later date for reporting.
As a default to the Oracle environment, you typically look
at AWR data/reports through Oracle’s Enterprise Manager. If you are a command
line junkie, you might use the provided AWR report scripts such as one of the
following—each of which will ask you information like the beginning and ending snapshop
IDs and the instance against which you want to report.
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql – Standard AWR report
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrrpti.sql –
AWR report for a specific instance
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrsqrpt.sql –
AWR report for a SQL statement
You should have noticed the similarity in these script files,
there are more, as they all are in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory and
they all start with awr. You can run these all at anytime and I encourage you
to do this. Mostly this is where we now venture off in our attempts to imitate
some of their behavior. Please do note that some of these are to “only” be run
under the supervision of Oracle Support. Just be cautious and read the script
before running it.
Since I plan to take you through a complete script, have
patience. The first thing we need to do is set up some general .sql script
environmental behaviors. So, the first part of our script will be:
set linesize 132
set echo off
set feedback off
set heading off
set linesize 132
set pagesize 55
set verify off
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, lets begin by asking
the number of days to look for snapshots. We can do this with the following SQL,
which joins the DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE and DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT views—showing historical
information on the snapshots in the Workload Repository. We obviously need to
join these tables on the dbid, instance_number, and, the important part, startup_time.
We also need to make sure that we only bring back snapshots that are newer than
the number of days back specified by the user, by comparing the time of the
actual snapshot (end_interval_time). Please note that this script will output a
status of ‘**db restart**’ for those times that the database was down and
unavailable. This is very important as it shows us those times that Oracle was
not collecting statistics (the database was down) and more importantly, the
statistic counters were zeroed. We can report on a bounce condition if the startup_time
and begin_interval_time are the same.
prompt Enter the number of days to look for snapshot IDs
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
select dhdi.instance_name,
to_char(dhs.begin_interval_time,’MM/DD/YYYY:HH24:MI’) begin_snap_time,
to_char(dhs.end_interval_time,’MM/DD/YYYY:HH24:MI’) end_snap_time,
decode(dhs.startup_time,dhs.begin_interval_time,’**db restart**’,null) db_bounce
from dba_hist_snapshot dhs,
dba_hist_database_instance dhdi
where dhdi.dbid = dhs.dbid
and dhdi.instance_number = dhs.instance_number
and dhdi.startup_time = dhs.startup_time
and dhs.end_interval_time >= to_date(sysdate – &&num_days_back)
order by db_name, instance_name, snap_id;
Column |
Description |
snapshot ID |
Database ID for the snapshot |
Instance number |
Time the instance was started |
Beginning time of the snapshot |
The time (ending) the snapshot was taken for the given |
Column |
Description |
Database ID |
Instance number |
Time the instance was started |
Database Name |
Instance Name |
The next part of the script does nothing more than ask you
to look back at the output from the previous SQL and select a beginning
snapshot ID and an ending snapshot ID. These values will be kept in the
variable beg_snap_id and end_snap_id respectively.
prompt Enter Begining snapshot ID
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt &&beg_snap_id
prompt Enter Ending snapshot ID
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt &&end_snap_id
I always like to give my reports a unique name so the next
part of the script will provide that granularity. Notice that I preface with
the instance_name and have the beg_snap_id and end_snap_id
in the name. Also, I put my results in a lower directory named LST. Please
name your report something meaningful.
set termout off
column rpt new_value rpt
select instance_name||’_wrh_sample_’||&&beg_snap_id||’_’||&&end_snap_id||’.LST’ rpt from v$instance;
set termout on
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt Report Name : ../LST/&&rpt
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
spool ../LST/&&rpt
Now pull some statistics out of the Workload Repository
History tables—for the beginning snap ID. We are all familiar with the
V$SYSSTAT view, and the Workload Repository History has one very similar named
WRH$_SYSSTAT. Join this table with WRH$_STAT_NAME for the statistic names and
we can easily extract any collected statistic for our snapshot ID. In this example,
I am pulling out the values for physical reads and writes for the beginning
snapshot ID. These are stored in the variable tbr1 and tbw1 respectively.
Probably one of the funniest and confusing parts of this script is the ‘SUM(DECODE’
part. All this does is, as rows are processed/scanned, add the value to the
variable if the statistic name is equal to the name in the DECODE. There is
only one row for each statistic and I could have written out a simple SELECT..FROM..WHERE
for each statistic name, but I like having just one SQL statement and scan the
table once as opposed to once for every statistic.
column db_bounce new_value db_bounce
column tbr1 new_value tbr1
column tbw1 new_value tbw1
set termout off
sum(decode(stat_name,’physical read total bytes’,value,0)) tbr1,
sum(decode(stat_name,’physical write total bytes’,value,0)) tbw1
FROM wrh$_sysstat, wrh$_stat_name
WHERE wrh$_sysstat.stat_id = wrh$_stat_name.stat_id
AND wrh$_sysstat.snap_id = &&beg_snap_id ;
Check the bounce flag and see if we should zero out the
beginning variables. Later in this script, since Oracle accumulates statistics
over time and zeroes them out if a bounce occurs, we need to zero out the
beginning variables so as not to subtract the beginning variables from the
ending variables and come up with a negative or irrelevant number.
select decode(startup_time,begin_interval_time,1,0) db_bounce
from dba_hist_snapshot
where snap_id = &&end_snap_id;
decode(&&db_bounce,1,0,&&tbr1) tbr1,
decode(&&db_bounce,1,0,&&tbw1) tbw1
FROM dual;
set termout on
This is just to print out the beginning variables to the
screen—nice and pretty like.
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt First Sample
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt Total Bytes Read : &&tbr1
prompt Total Bytes Written : &&tbw1
Now it is time to get the values for our same statistics at
the time of the second snapshot. This time the script asks for the end_snap_id
and relies upon the user to enter in an ID from the very first output of
all snapshot IDs earlier in the script. This SQL is exactly the same as the one
above for the beg_snap_id.
column tbr2 new_value tbr2
column tbw2 new_value tbw2
set termout off
sum(decode(stat_name,’physical read total bytes’,value,0)) tbr2,
sum(decode(stat_name,’physical write total bytes’,value,0)) tbw2
FROM wrh$_sysstat, wrh$_stat_name
WHERE wrh$_sysstat.stat_id = wrh$_stat_name.stat_id
AND wrh$_sysstat.snap_id = &&end_snap_id;
set termout on
The ending variables extracted need no check against the
bounce of the database so we can just print them out on the screen.
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt Second Sample
prompt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
prompt Total Bytes Read : &&tbr2
prompt Total Bytes Written : &&tbw2
Now we just subtract the beginning statistical values from
the ending values to get the amount between the two snapshots. Then print the
results to the screen.
prompt ^^^^^^^^^
prompt Results :
prompt ^^^^^^^^^
column tr new_value tr
column tw new_value tw
set termout off
ROUND(&&tbr2-&&tbr1) tr,
ROUND(&&tbw2-&&tbw1) tw
FROM dual;
set termout on
prompt Total Bytes Read = &&tr
prompt Total Bytes Written = &&tw
A little house cleaning to clear out the variables we used.
spool off
undefine num_days_back
undefine beg_snap_id
undefine end_snap_id
undefine db_bounce
This may seem like a lot of work to subtract a few
statistical values, but the beauty of this is that you can extend this simple,
ok semi-simple script, to do a lot of work around the selected snapshot IDs.
Most of which you could not do otherwise by any cleaver single SQL statement. Moreover,
the most important part is that the existing AWR reports do not report on every
type of statistical information you need to tune your database. I have often
times found myself punching a calculator to find some metric. No longer do I,
or you, have to do this. Create a script such as this, put in your own
statistic names, and do the calculations at the end. Happy Reporting.