Occasionally it may be necessary to have a table with 255 or more columns (data marts and data warehouses come immediately to mind). Oracle allows up to 1023 columns in a table but once the column list expands beyond 255 some interesting behavior appears. Let’s look at a situation, using Oracle on OEL 7, update 4, and see how things can change.
The experiment starts with a script by Jonathan Lewis (abbreviated in the output) that creates a table with 250 columns:
SQL> create table t1(
2 col000,
3 col001,
4 col002,
5 col003,
6 col004,
7 col005,
8 col006,
9 col007,
10 col008,
211 col209,
212 col210,
213 col211,
214 col212,
215 col213,
216 col214,
217 col215,
218 col216,
219 col217,
220 col218,
221 col219,
222 col220,
223 col221,
224 col222,
225 col223,
226 col224,
227 col225,
228 col226,
229 col227,
230 col228,
231 col229,
232 col230,
233 col231,
234 col232,
235 col233,
236 col234,
237 col235,
238 col236,
239 col237,
240 col238,
241 col239,
242 col240,
243 col241,
244 col242,
245 col243,
246 col244,
247 col245,
248 col246,
249 col247,
250 col248,
251 col249
252 )
253 as
254 with generator as (
255 select
256 rownum id
257 from dual
258 connect by
259 level <= 1e3
260 )
261 select
262 lpad(000,10,'0'),
263 lpad(001,10,'0'),
264 lpad(002,10,'0'),
265 lpad(003,10,'0'),
266 lpad(004,10,'0'),
267 lpad(005,10,'0'),
268 lpad(006,10,'0'),
269 lpad(007,10,'0'),
270 lpad(008,10,'0'),
271 lpad(009,10,'0'),
272 lpad(010,10,'0'),
473 lpad(211,10,'0'),
474 lpad(212,10,'0'),
475 lpad(213,10,'0'),
476 lpad(214,10,'0'),
477 lpad(215,10,'0'),
478 lpad(216,10,'0'),
479 lpad(217,10,'0'),
480 lpad(218,10,'0'),
481 lpad(219,10,'0'),
482 lpad(220,10,'0'),
483 lpad(221,10,'0'),
484 lpad(222,10,'0'),
485 lpad(223,10,'0'),
486 lpad(224,10,'0'),
487 lpad(225,10,'0'),
488 lpad(226,10,'0'),
489 lpad(227,10,'0'),
490 lpad(228,10,'0'),
491 lpad(229,10,'0'),
492 lpad(230,10,'0'),
493 lpad(231,10,'0'),
494 lpad(232,10,'0'),
495 lpad(233,10,'0'),
496 lpad(234,10,'0'),
497 lpad(235,10,'0'),
498 lpad(236,10,'0'),
499 lpad(237,10,'0'),
500 lpad(238,10,'0'),
501 lpad(239,10,'0'),
502 lpad(240,10,'0'),
503 lpad(241,10,'0'),
504 lpad(242,10,'0'),
505 lpad(243,10,'0'),
506 lpad(244,10,'0'),
507 lpad(245,10,'0'),
508 lpad(246,10,'0'),
509 lpad(247,10,'0'),
510 lpad(248,10,'0'),
511 lpad(249,10,'0')
512 from
513 generator v2
514 where
515 rownum <= 1e4
516 ;
Table created.
Nothing really unusual there, so let’s look at some selected statistics from that table creation:
SQL> select n.name, s.value
2 from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
3 where n.statistic# = s.statistic#
4 and n.name in ('db block gets','consistent gets','db block changes','redo entries','redo size',
'undo change vector size','table scan rows gotten','table scan blocks gotten',
'HSC Heap Segment Block Changes')
5 and s.sid = &u_sid
6 /
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
db block gets 4503
consistent gets 7918
db block changes 4107
redo entries 2160
redo size 581496
undo change vector size 154272
table scan rows gotten 16281
table scan blocks gotten 315
HSC Heap Segment Block Changes 509
9 rows selected.
The redo entries will be of particular interest. The table contains 1,000 rows and generated roughly 600 K of redo, about 600 bytes per row. This is a reasonable volume of redo for this type of transaction. Let’s gather statistics and get an average row length before we alter the table and update data:
SQL> begin
2 dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(
3 ownname => user,
4 tabname => 'T1',
5 method_opt => 'for all columns size 1'
6 );
7 end;
8 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select
2 avg_row_len, num_rows, blocks,
3 num_rows / trunc(8000/avg_row_len) estimated_blocks
4 from
5 user_tables
6 where
7 table_name = 'T1'
8 ;
----------- ---------- ---------- ----------------
2750 1000 518 500
Let’s add 10 columns to the table, putting the total number of columns to 60:
Add a few columns
SQL> alter table t1 add(
2 col250 varchar2(10),
3 col251 varchar2(10),
4 col252 varchar2(10),
5 col253 varchar2(10),
6 col254 varchar2(10),
7 col255 varchar2(10),
8 col256 varchar2(10),
9 col257 varchar2(10),
10 col258 varchar2(10),
11 col259 varchar2(10)
12 )
13 ;
Table altered.
Now we update the last column in each row:
SQL> update t1 set col259 = lpad('259',10,'0');
1000 rows updated.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
Here is where the interesting part comes in; querying v$sesstat after the update is complete displays some drastically different numbers:
SQL> select n.name, s.value
2 from v$sesstat s, v$statname n
3 where n.statistic# = s.statistic#
4 and n.name in ('db block gets','consistent gets','db block changes','redo entries','redo size',
'undo change vector size','table scan rows gotten','table scan blocks gotten','HSC Heap Segment Block Changes')
5 and s.sid = &u_sid
6 /
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
db block gets 16943
consistent gets 47180
db block changes 15966
redo entries 9140
redo size 9183028
undo change vector size 4059192
table scan rows gotten 53075
table scan blocks gotten 2231
HSC Heap Segment Block Changes 4078
9 rows selected.
Breaking the 255 column barrier increases the redo generated by almost 10 times the original volume; Oracle is now generating over 9000 bytes of redo per row, and all that was done was add columns to a table in excess of 255. Undo was also significantly increased once that 255 column barrier was breached. Each row is now basically two pieces, one piece of 255 columns and another piece of 5 columns. This now causes Oracle to perform an insert for each row updated (there are now, internally, twice as many rows as there were to start with because of the split) and even though inserts don’t generate a lot of redo or undo it does affect the total volume of both that were generated. Initially there were no NULL values; after adding the ten columns, nine of those columns remained NULL after the update. I suspect that this may be due to the fact that it was a column added to the end of each row that was updated.
It’s still not clear why Oracle increases the redo and undo generation so drastically where tables are created then extended past the 255 column barrier. Knowing this can occur may make it easier to track down large increases in archive log generation (more log switches due to the increased redo volume) when transaction volume tends to remain constant.