Listen Software’s How To: SQL Plus Reports and Commands

  • set headsep–identifies a single character to split a title onto two or more lines
  • ttitle–Top Title
  • btitle–Bottom Title
  • column–Heading and format of a column
  • break on–Spaces between the section
  • compute sum–Calculate subtotals
  • set linesize–Set the maximum number of characters per line
  • set pagesize–Set the number of lines per page
  • set newpage–Set the number of lines between pages
  • spool–Move screen I/O to file I/O
  • set pause–Makes screen display stop between pages
  • save–Save an sql query to file
  • host–Sends commands to the host operating system
  • start–Execute sql from a file
  • edit–Edit sql stored in a file
  • define_editor–name the editor


column {field name} heading 'Enter Column Description' 
   format ann | 9990.99  truncate | word_wrapped

Other Commands

  • list–Outputs the contents of the SQL Buffer
  • clear buffer–Removes the contents of the SQL Buffer
  • append–Add contents the end of the SQL Buffer
  • c{search pattern}{replace pattern}–Changes a search pattern with a replace pattern for the SQL Buffer.

Running SQL Statements

connect user/password@host

; or / -> to run SQL

@filename -> run the SQL in a file

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