Using the Net 8 Assistant
Using the Net 8 Assistant
Communication Files
Client: sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora
Server: listener.oraTnsnames.ora contains information necessary to communicate with the server.
Tnsnames.ora contains the following information:Connector Descriptor
LOGICAL_NAME001 = (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= (PORT=1521) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=mySID) ) )LOGICAL_NAME001 - Logical name identify a name service.
HOST= or - IP address of the
host machine.
-> If a DNS server exists, the host name will suffice.
PORT=1521 - Default port which the server's listener is listening.
SID=mySID - System Identification (SID) of the database instance.
Creating a Local Name Client Connection
Step 1: From Net 8 Assistant: From methods, under selected items, make sure
TNSNAMES AND HOSTNAME are chosen.Step 2: Select Edit, Create to generate a network service name.
The network service name is associated with a connector descriptor.
A Logical Name to the Connector Descriptor is created.Step 3: Select a Network Protocol. Choose (TCP/IP).
Step 4: Enter the Host Name and Port. The Host name
may be a machine name or an IP address. The port is
usually 1521 by default. However, the port number may be
different depending on the machine/type of the server.Step 5: Enter in the System ID (SID) of the database
for the instance you want to connect to.Step 6: Test the name service.
Default Parameters
names.directory_path = (TNSNAMES)
names.default_domain = world
name.default_zone = worldSqlnet.ora eventually serves the purpose of pointing to an Oracle Name Server.
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