Oracle: Can a NULL sql_id Use CPU?

In a forum I frequent the following question was raised:

“We see some sqls that have been running for a long time in our prod DB, 11.2. when we check the v$session, i see null sql ids for them. The sql_address shows up as 00. I would like to know what these sqls are doing because they correspond to processes that are burning up the CPU and driving the usage to > 85%.”

An interesting question, indeed. What are those NULL sql_ids doing, and are they actually NULL? To find out I set up an experiment using both a long series of insert statements and a PL/SQL block fetching 100,000 rows at a time. The results were surprising; let’s look at the example code and see what happened when it ran. Here is the code:

set echo on serveroutput on size 1000000

create table emp (empid number not null,
                  empname varchar2(40),
                  deptno        number);

set timing on

        for i in 1..5000000 loop
                insert into emp
                values (i, 'Smorthorper'||i, mod(i, 40)+1);
        end loop;


set timing off

exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('BING')

set timing on
        type empcoltyp is table of emp%rowtype;
        emp_c empcoltyp;
        recct   number:=0;

        cursor get_emp_data is
        select * from emp;

        open get_emp_data;
        fetch get_emp_data bulk collect into emp_c limit 100000;
        exit when get_emp_data%notfound;

        for i in 1..emp_c.count loop
        end loop;
        dbms_output.put_line('Total records processed: '||recct);
        end loop;

set timing off

It’s a fairly simple script, really. I used the bulk collect and sleep to create a long-running fetch cycle to see if that displayed the observed behavior. Now, let’s run the script and see how the sql_id column in V$SESSION behaved. I used two sessions, one running the script and one to check the sql_id values from V$SESSION Session 1 generated the following output for the long-running insert:

SQL> create table emp (empid number not null,
  2                    empname varchar2(40),
  3                    deptno        number);

Table created.

SQL> set timing on
SQL> begin
  2          for i in 1..5000000 loop
  3                  insert into emp
  4                  values (i, 'Smorthorper'||i, mod(i, 40)+1);
  5          end loop;
  7          commit;
  8  end;
  9  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:02:43.27
SQL> set timing off

Session 2 reported the following behavior for the sql_id column:

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469 gc37k1290dm1c gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469               gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469 gc37k1290dm1c gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469               gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469 gc37k1290dm1c gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469 gc37k1290dm1c gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469               gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469 gc37k1290dm1c gc37k1290dm1c

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        782        8469 gc37k1290dm1c gc37k1290dm1c


Notice that occasionally the sql_id becomes NULL then returns to its previous value, as reported in prev_sql_id. When long-running statements are being processed it’s possible that the sql_id column can go NULL, and the sql_address be reported as 00, even though the same statement that was started minutes or even hours ago is still running. In such cases the prev_sql_id holds the sql_id for the currently running SQL. This doesn’t hold true for PL/SQL blocks, even with a sleep added. Session 1 reports the PLSQL block and it’s apparent progress::

SQL> set timing on
SQL> declare
  2          type empcoltyp is table of emp%rowtype;
  3          emp_c empcoltyp;
  4          recct   number:=0;
  6          cursor get_emp_data is
  7          select * from emp;
  9  begin
 10          open get_emp_data;
 11          loop
 12          fetch get_emp_data bulk collect into emp_c limit 100000;
 13          exit when get_emp_data%notfound;
 15          for i in 1..emp_c.count loop
 16                  recct:=recct+1;
 17          end loop;
 18          dbms_output.put_line('Total records processed: '||recct);
 19          dbms_lock.sleep(3);
 20          end loop;
 21  end;
 22  /
Total records processed: 100000
Total records processed: 200000
Total records processed: 300000
Total records processed: 400000
Total records processed: 500000
Total records processed: 600000
Total records processed: 700000
Total records processed: 800000
Total records processed: 900000
Total records processed: 1000000
Total records processed: 1100000
Total records processed: 1200000
Total records processed: 1300000
Total records processed: 1400000
Total records processed: 1500000
Total records processed: 1600000
Total records processed: 1700000
Total records processed: 1800000
Total records processed: 1900000
Total records processed: 2000000
Total records processed: 2100000
Total records processed: 2200000
Total records processed: 2300000
Total records processed: 2400000
Total records processed: 2500000
Total records processed: 2600000
Total records processed: 2700000
Total records processed: 2800000
Total records processed: 2900000
Total records processed: 3000000
Total records processed: 3100000
Total records processed: 3200000
Total records processed: 3300000
Total records processed: 3400000
Total records processed: 3500000
Total records processed: 3600000
Total records processed: 3700000
Total records processed: 3800000
Total records processed: 3900000
Total records processed: 4000000
Total records processed: 4100000
Total records processed: 4200000
Total records processed: 4300000
Total records processed: 4400000
Total records processed: 4500000
Total records processed: 4600000
Total records processed: 4700000
Total records processed: 4800000
Total records processed: 4900000
Total records processed: 5000000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:02:34.16
SQL> set timing off

Session 2 again is used to display the sql_id throughout the PL/SQL run; notice the sql_id does not go NULL at any time during the run [the output has been abbreviated to reduce the large number of repeated lines]:

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        717        6367 gjcn0r825u7wz 9babjv8yq8ru3

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        717        6367 gjcn0r825u7wz 9babjv8yq8ru3

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        717        6367 gjcn0r825u7wz 9babjv8yq8ru3

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        717        6367 gjcn0r825u7wz 9babjv8yq8ru3

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        717        6367 gjcn0r825u7wz 9babjv8yq8ru3

SQL> /

        SID     SERIAL# SQL_ID        PREV_SQL_ID
----------- ----------- ------------- -------------
        717        6367 gjcn0r825u7wz 9babjv8yq8ru3


At no time did the sql_id display as NULL during the PL/SQL execution. I suspect it’s because the repeated fetch operations, limited to 1/50th of the total data, kept the cursor and its associated SQL statement, active the entire duration of the run.

It would appear (and I think I have a valid test case as proof) that during long-running SQL statements the sql_id can be reported as NULL even though the statement is still executing. In such cases the prev_sql_id usually provides the identifier for the currently running SQL. Of course not all NULL sql_ids are associated with long-running statements and V$SESSION_LONGOPS does not, by default, report every long-running statement or operation to hit a database. The ‘long-running’ criteria according to Oracle is any statement that runs for more than 6 seconds. A partial list of operations that are recorded follows:

•Table scan
•Index Fast Full Scan
•Hash join
•Sort Output
•Gather Table Index Statistics

NESTED LOOP JOINS are not automatically recorded in V$SESSION_LONGOPS although HASH JOINS are. It is possible to circumvent this by using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure to register your long-running operation with the view:

        type empcoltyp is table of emp%rowtype;
        emp_c empcoltyp;
        recct   number:=0;
        r_idx    BINARY_INTEGER;
        l_no      BINARY_INTEGER;
        ttlwrk number;
        so_far     number;
        obj       BINARY_INTEGER;

        cursor get_emp_data is
        select * from emp;

        r_idx := dbms_application_info.set_session_longops_nohint;
        so_far := 0;
        ttlwrk := 50;
        select object_id
        into obj
        from user_objects
        where object_name = 'EMP';

        open get_emp_data;
        fetch get_emp_data bulk collect into emp_c limit 100000;
        exit when get_emp_data%notfound;

        while so_far < 50 loop
             for i in 1..emp_c.count loop
             end loop;
             dbms_output.put_line('Total records processed: '||recct);
             so_far := so_far + 1;
             dbms_application_info.set_session_longops(r_idx, l_no, 'Bounded fetch ', obj, 0, so_far, ttlwrk, 'EMP', 'fetches');
             end loop;
        end loop;

V$SESSION_LONGOPS now reports progress for the bulk collect fetch operations:

SQL> select message from v$session_longops where sofar <> totalwork;

Bounded fetch : EMP 113315: 1 out of 50 fetches done

SQL> /

Bounded fetch : EMP 113315: 2 out of 50 fetches done

SQL> /

Bounded fetch : EMP 113315: 3 out of 50 fetches done


Oracle can exhibit ‘strange’ behavior with the sql_id values in V$SESSION, but just because the sql_id is NULL that doesn’t mean Oracle isn’t processing a long-running statement. It’s likely processing the same SQL reported in prev_sql_id so you can look to that column to find (possibly) active SQL. As a side note you can also get V$SESSION_LONGOPS to report on any operation you consider to be long using the example code as a guide. Obviously you can’t get V$SESSION_LONGOPS to report on ‘canned’ application operations if they don’t meet the reporting criteria (that would require the vendor to modify their code, not an easy task to accomplish). The idea to remember is that the sql_id for some long-running operations isn’t lost when the sql_id value goes NULL; it’s just been moved to the prev_sql_id column.

See all articles by David Fitzjarrell

David Fitzjarrell
David Fitzjarrell
David Fitzjarrell has more than 20 years of administration experience with various releases of the Oracle DBMS. He has installed the Oracle software on many platforms, including UNIX, Windows and Linux, and monitored and tuned performance in those environments. He is knowledgeable in the traditional tools for performance tuning – the Oracle Wait Interface, Statspack, event 10046 and 10053 traces, tkprof, explain plan and autotrace – and has used these to great advantage at the U.S. Postal Service, American Airlines/SABRE, ConocoPhilips and SiriusXM Radio, among others, to increase throughput and improve the quality of the production system. He has also set up scripts to regularly monitor available space and set thresholds to notify DBAs of impending space shortages before they affect the production environment. These scripts generate data which can also used to trend database growth over time, aiding in capacity planning. He has used RMAN, Streams, RAC and Data Guard in Oracle installations to ensure full recoverability and failover capabilities as well as high availability, and has configured a 'cascading' set of DR databases using the primary DR databases as the source, managing the archivelog transfers manually and montoring, through scripts, the health of these secondary DR databases. He has also used ASM, ASMM and ASSM to improve performance and manage storage and shared memory.

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