Oracle on the Web, Part 2 – Oracle 10g’s HTTP Server and HTML DB

In part one
of this series, the installation and basic configuration of Oracle9i’s HTTP
Server was covered. This part of the series looks at how the HTTP server has
changed with respect to how you get it and how you use it. Part of the process
is very easy, and other parts are somewhat confusing. If you were hoping for a
clean, “one CD type of install and there it is” situation, the result is a
mixed bag.

Framework for getting the 10g HTTP server

Unfortunately, the
installation is not just one CD. The HTTP server component, along with other
products, is on a companion CD. Oracle10g Standard Edition One and the
companion CD, like virtually every other Oracle product, are available at OTN.
However, another way you can get the CD set is to ask for the Oracle 10g
Resource Kit (click on the advertisement seen on several Web sites is one way).

The kit includes three CDs:
one for SE1 (the RDBMS software), a companion CD, and a study guide CD. There
is a requirement to register online (the Web address is shown in an OUI window)
to receive a registration code, and then you enter the code before OUI will

In case you have not
installed 10g yet, the installation footprint is a bit different in
terms of what you would expect from OFA standards in the past. Additionally, if
the installation
s and you need to clean the registry, the “HOME” key
begins with “KEY” instead of HOME under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software >

As another tip, if you
encounter a failure related to OracleCSService (the clustering service), the
DBCA assistant will fail (which means no database to play with later). Turn
off or disable any anti-virus or firewall software, stop any 10g
services, delete the files, and clean out what you can from the registry,
focusing on the DBConsole and the CSService.

After SE1 is installed, the
Enterprise Console will appear. Take a tour of that, and then exit.

End of Installation info window

The Enterprise Manager Console

Insert the companion CD and
start (or autorun) OUI again. This part of the installation requires a separate
ORACLE_HOME – by name and location. You can choose either companion products
option, but only one at a time. At the “Select a Product to Install” window,
pick the bottom option to get the two items of interest for later on: Oracle
HTTP Server and HTML DB.

Tip: Do not have TNS_ADMIN
set because a net configuration assistant creates its own tnsnames.ora file
using “HTMLDB” connecting to the name of your target database. If the assistant
cannot connect to the HTML DB, the setup will fail.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = D2JW5021)(PORT = 1521))

Be sure to record the
password for the HTML DB DBA.

Take note of the URIs at the
end of the installation. More than likely, the port will be 7777.

What makes the HTTP server
so important is that it is your gateway to the HTML DB – which leads to a
thought: name as many different types of DBA’s you can think of. No doubt, you
thought of production, development, applications (as in Oracle Apps), data warehouse,
and jobless (ouch!). It is time to add one more type to the list, and that is

Steve Callan
Steve Callan
Steve is an Oracle DBA (OCP 8i and 9i)/developer working in Denver. His Oracle experience also includes Forms and Reports, Oracle9iAS and Oracle9iDS.

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