Oracle: Sorting Out Memory

Keeping track of all the
different memory areas in Oracle taxes my memory. With Oracle 10g, there can be
fewer parameters to keep track of – if you remember which parameters drive or
affect other parameters. It is very common to see numerous reporting scripts in
a production environment, and chances are that most reports include a set
“some_type_of_memory_area” statement in them. Given that you’re using 10g, are
those set statements still necessary? The answer is “it depends, but probably
not,” depending on how your instance is configured.

Two Typical Set Statements

Two common settings (set via
an alter session statement) are for the HASH_AREA_SIZE and SORT_AREA_SIZE
memory parameters. How and when are these memory areas called and needed? Let’s
start with basic definitions using the Reference Guide and look at some use


Oracle’s documentation states the HASH_AREA_SIZE
is “relevant to parallel execution operations and to the query portion of DML
or DDL statements. It specifies the maximum amount of memory, in bytes, to be
used for hash joins.” This definition leads to a useful review question: what
is a hash join? The Performance Tuning Guide states the following.

Hash joins are used for joining large
data sets. The optimizer uses the smaller of two tables or data sources to
build a hash table on the join key in memory. It then scans the larger table,
probing the hash table to find the joined rows. This method is best used when
the smaller table fits in available memory. The cost is then limited to a
single read pass over the data for the two tables.

Example 13-7 from the guide
uses the OE schema and a join between the ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables. The
ORDERS table, with 105 rows, is used as the hash table.

Can we recreate this in a
default installation/instance? With the PLAN_TABLE created via the UTLXPLAN
script (and with the PLUSTRACE role created and granted to OE), the output is
slightly different.

In my “out of the box”
instance, why did the optimizer use nested loops instead of a hash join like the
documentation shows? Maybe because I didn’t set the HASH_JOIN_ENABLED parameter
to true? Failure to set that parameter is not the reason, as
HASH_JOIN_ENABLED does not exist in 10g. So, let’s force the optimizer to use a
hash join via the HASH_JOIN hint. Since the tables are aliased in the
statement, don’t forget to use the aliases in the list of tables for the hint.

At least now the live
instance matches the documentation (with the exception of Cost). For the
reporting scripts, someone may have examined the tables involved and took a
(completely valid) “big table joined with a little table means use a hash join”


There are (or were, anyway)
lots of reasons to specify a sort area size for involved or complex select
statements. Four reasons are stated in the 10g Reference guide.

  • Increasing SORT_AREA_SIZE size
    improves the efficiency of large sorts.

  • Each sort in a query can
    consume memory up to the amount specified by SORT_AREA_SIZE, and there can be
    multiple sorts in a query. Also, if a query is executed in parallel, each PQ
    slave can consume memory up to the amount specified by SORT_AREA_SIZE for each
    sort it does.

  • SORT_AREA_SIZE is also used
    for inserts and updates to bitmap indexes. Setting this value appropriately
    results in a bitmap segment being updated only once for each DML operation,
    even if more than one row in that segment changes.

  • Larger values of
    SORT_AREA_SIZE permit more sorts to be performed in memory. If more space is
    required to complete the sort than will fit into the memory provided, then
    temporary segments on disk are used to hold the intermediate sort runs.

states the following (in two sections, but combined below):

For best performance in
OLTP systems, most sorts should occur solely within memory. Sorts written to
disk can adversely affect performance. If your OLTP application frequently
performs sorts that do not fit into sort area size, and if the application has
been tuned to avoid unnecessary sorting, then consider increasing the
SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter for the whole instance.

dynamically modifiable initialization parameter that specifies the maximum
amount of memory to use for each sort. If a significant number of sorts require
disk I/O to temporary segments, then your application’s performance might
benefit from increasing the value of SORT_AREA_SIZE. Alternatively in a DSS
environment, increasing SORT_AREA_SIZE is not likely to make the sort a
memory-only sort; however, depending on the current value and the new value
chosen, it could make the sort faster.

Altering this setting is,
apparently, a prudent step to take under certain circumstances or situations.
Knowing the value/size to set it to is, of course, the hardest part to

Using bitmap indexes

Perhaps a clever developer
or DBA decided to take advantage of what bitmap indexes can offer. In that
regard, another “area_size” parameter you may encounter is
BITMAP_MERGE_AREA_SIZE. The Reference guide describes this parameter as

relevant only for systems containing bitmap indexes. It specifies the amount of
memory Oracle uses to merge bitmaps retrieved from a range scan of the index.
The default value is 1 MB. A larger value usually improves performance, because
the bitmap segments must be sorted before being merged into a single bitmap.

Clearly this is a nifty
trick to keep up your sleeve, but also with the attendant problem of knowing
what value to set this parameter to.

Putting the parameters to use

The easiest, and in the
future, only way to use all of these parameters is by using the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
parameter. In Oracle 10g, this one parameter obviates the need to set any of
the “area_size” parameters. The bitmap area was retained for backward
compatibility. That’s Oracle-speak for being identified as being slated for
deprecation and the parameter/feature bone yard. Hash and sort areas are still
supported, but in both cases (and in multiple places), Oracle recommends not to
explicitly set or use these parameters.

Like the other parameters,
the nagging question has to do with setting a parameter to the “right” value.
With this particular parameter, you get a default value based on the size of
the SGA. The Reference guide states:

specifies the target aggregate PGA memory available to all server processes
attached to the instance.

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET to a nonzero value has the effect of automatically setting
the WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY parameter to AUTO. This means that SQL working areas
used by memory-intensive SQL operators (such as sort, group-by, hash-join,
bitmap merge, and bitmap create) will be automatically sized. A nonzero value
for this parameter is the default since, unless you specify otherwise, Oracle
sets it to 20% of the SGA or 10 MB, whichever is greater.

In Closing

With more sophisticated
interaction and control of internal memory management, Oracle is making it
easier for you to concentrate on other issues. Knowing what these
older/legacy/not recommended for use parameters are used for is useful, but
with Oracle 10g, actually driving these parameters via alter session statements
has pretty much gone by the wayside. Chances are each value for hash and sort
operations set in your report scripts was a shot in the dark to begin with. Let
Oracle manage these settings for you via the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter and
clean up your report scripts by removing unnecessary session memory settings.


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Steve Callan

Steve Callan
Steve Callan
Steve is an Oracle DBA (OCP 8i and 9i)/developer working in Denver. His Oracle experience also includes Forms and Reports, Oracle9iAS and Oracle9iDS.

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