Using Collections In Oracle

Collections are an interesting lot. They can be one of the most useful tools in the Oracle arsenal, yet they can also be very frustrating to implement. For those unfamiliar with them, a collection/varray is defined as “an ordered group of elements, all of the same type. Each element has a unique subscript that determines its position in the collection.” The definition seems simple enough but it may be deceptively so. To make matters even more confusing, to use a collection you must create a database type for it to reference; a varray requires a type as well but that type can be declared in the PL/SQL block. To clear the air a bit let’s go through some examples of defining and using collections and varrays: The first example uses a collection to store vendor ids and then process them for a report. The code builds two ‘tables’ and compares the contents of them by loading collections and comparing one collection to the other; output is displayed for the conditions of the two tables being equal and the two tables not being equal:

SQL> set serveroutput on size 1000000
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE type integer_table is table of integer;
  2  /

Type created.

  4   vendor_key_table   integer_table;
  5   vendor_key_table2   integer_table;
  6   CURSOR tst
  7   IS
  8      SELECT   purch_order, SUM (dollars),
  9        CAST (COLLECT (TO_NUMBER (vendor_key)) AS integer_table)
 10          FROM (SELECT 1 purch_order, 3 dollars, 435235 vendor_key
 11           FROM DUAL
 12         UNION ALL
 13         SELECT 1 purch_order, 8 dollars, 123452 vendor_key
 14           FROM DUAL
 15         UNION ALL
 16         SELECT 2 purch_order, 7 dollars, 433738 vendor_key
 17           FROM DUAL
 18         UNION ALL
 19         SELECT 2 purch_order, 4 dollars, 383738 vendor_key
 20           FROM DUAL
 21         UNION ALL
 22         SELECT 2 purch_order, 5 dollars, 387118 vendor_key
 23           FROM DUAL)
 24      GROUP BY purch_order;
 27    CURSOR tst2
 28   IS
 29    SELECT purch_order, SUM (dollars),
 30        CAST (COLLECT (TO_NUMBER (vendor_key)) AS integer_table)
 31          FROM (SELECT 1 purch_order, 3 dollars, 435235 vendor_key
 32           FROM DUAL
 33         UNION ALL
 34         SELECT 2 purch_order, 4 dollars, 383738 vendor_key
 35           FROM DUAL
 36         UNION ALL
 37         SELECT 2 purch_order, 7 dollars, 433738 vendor_key
 38           FROM DUAL
 39         UNION ALL
 40         SELECT 2 purch_order, 5 dollars, 387118 vendor_key
 41           FROM DUAL)
 42      GROUP BY purch_order;
 43   v_purch_order    NUMBER;
 44   v_dollars    NUMBER;
 47   mystr     VARCHAR2 (4000);
 50   v_purch_order2     NUMBER;
 51   v_dollars2     NUMBER;
 54   mystr2      VARCHAR2 (4000);
 55  BEGIN
 56   OPEN tst;
 57   open tst2;
 60   LOOP
 61      mystr := NULL;
 62      mystr2 := NULL;
 65      FETCH tst
 66       INTO v_purch_order, v_dollars, vendor_key_table;
 69      FETCH tst2
 70       INTO v_purch_order2, v_dollars2, vendor_key_table2;
 73      IF tst%NOTFOUND
 74      THEN
 75         EXIT;
 76      END IF;
 79      if vendor_key_table = vendor_key_table2 then
 80          dbms_output.put_line('equal');
 81      else
 82          dbms_output.put_line(' not equal');
 83      end if;
 86      -- loop through the collection and build a string so that
 87      -- we can display it and prove that it works
 88      FOR cur1 IN (SELECT COLUMN_VALUE vendor_key
 89       FROM TABLE (vendor_key_table))
 90      LOOP
 91         mystr := mystr || ',' || cur1.vendor_key;
 92         -- /* based on the value of the sum, you can do something with each detail*/
 93         -- if v_dollars > 12 then
 94         --   UPDATE VENDOR SET paid_status = 'P' where vendor_key = cur1.vendor_key;
 95         -- end if;
 96      END LOOP;
 99      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Purchase Order-> '
100       || TO_CHAR (v_purch_order)
101       || ' dollar total-> '
102       || TO_CHAR (v_dollars)
103       || ' vendorkey list-> '
104       || SUBSTR (mystr, 2));
107      -- loop throught the collection and build a string so that
108      -- we can display it and prove that it works
109      FOR cur2 IN (SELECT COLUMN_VALUE vendor_key
110       FROM TABLE (vendor_key_table2))
111      LOOP
112         mystr2 := mystr2 || ',' || cur2.vendor_key;
113      END LOOP;
116      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Purchase Order-> '
117       || TO_CHAR (v_purch_order2)
118       || ' dollar total-> '
119       || TO_CHAR (v_dollars2)
120       || ' vendorkey list-> '
121       || SUBSTR (mystr2, 2));
124   END LOOP;
125   CLOSE tst;
126   CLOSE tst2;
127  END;
128  /
not equal
Purchase Order-> 1   dollar total-> 11   vendorkey list-> 435235,123452
Purchase Order-> 1   dollar total-> 3   vendorkey list-> 435235
Purchase Order-> 2   dollar total-> 16   vendorkey list-> 433738,387118,383738
Purchase Order-> 2   dollar total-> 16   vendorkey list-> 383738,387118,433738

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Comparing the collections rather than looping through each table makes the work much easier to complete. Notice we only needed one type created; the same type satisfied the conditions for both collection tables.

The next example shows how things can go astray with the bulk collect operation when the limit does not evenly divide the result set. In the first part of the example we use the well-known ‘exit when cursor%notfound;’ directive with less than stellar results (we miss inserting 5 records into the second table); the second part of the example shows how to properly implement an exit from a bulk collect operation; this one uses a varray:

SQL> set echo on linesize 150 trimspool on
SQL> create table emp_test as select * From emp where 0=1;

Table created.

SQL> declare
  2        type empcoltyp is table of emp%rowtype;
  3        emp_c empcoltyp;
  5        cursor get_emp_data is
  6        select * from emp;
  8  begin
  9        open get_emp_data;
 10        loop
 11        fetch get_emp_data bulk collect into emp_c limit 9;
 12        exit when get_emp_data%notfound;
 14        for i in 1..emp_c.count loop
 15         insert into emp_test (empno, ename, sal)
 16         values (emp_c(i).empno, emp_c(i).ename, emp_c(i).sal);
 17        end loop;
 19        end loop;
 21        commit;
 23  end;
 24  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from emp_test;

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      7369 SMITH                                            800
      7499 ALLEN                                           1600
      7521 WARD                                            1250
      7566 JONES                                           2975
      7654 MARTIN                                          1250
      7698 BLAKE                                           2850
      7782 CLARK                                           2450
      7788 SCOTT                                           3000
      7839 KING                                            5000

9 rows selected.

SQL> truncate table emp_test;

Table truncated.

SQL> declare
  2        type empcoltyp is table of emp%rowtype;
  3        emp_c empcoltyp;
  5        cursor get_emp_data is
  6        select * from emp;
  8  begin
  9        open get_emp_data;
 10        loop
 11        fetch get_emp_data bulk collect into emp_c limit 9;
 12        exit when emp_c.count = 0;
 14        for i in 1..emp_c.count loop
 15         insert into emp_test (empno, ename, sal)
 16         values (emp_c(i).empno, emp_c(i).ename, emp_c(i).sal);
 17        end loop;
 19        end loop;
 21        commit;
 23  end;
 24  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from emp_test;

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      7369 SMITH                                            800
      7499 ALLEN                                           1600
      7521 WARD                                            1250
      7566 JONES                                           2975
      7654 MARTIN                                          1250
      7698 BLAKE                                           2850
      7782 CLARK                                           2450
      7788 SCOTT                                           3000
      7839 KING                                            5000
      7844 TURNER                                          1500
      7876 ADAMS                                           1100

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      7900 JAMES                                            950
      7902 FORD                                            3000
      7934 MILLER                                          1300

14 rows selected.


What happened in the first part? Since the limit was more than the number of remaining records the NOTFOUND indicator was set at the end of the fetch. We had 5 records left to process in the varray but the ‘exit when cursor%notfound;’ statement terminated the loop BEFORE we could get the remaining 5 records inserted into our table, thus they were lost. Using the ‘exit when collection.count = 0;’ construct prevents us from missing records since the count was greater than 0 even when the NOTFOUND indicator was set. This allows us to process the remaining records in the varray before exiting the loop. [Yes, the exit could be coded at the end of the loop rather than the beginning and the ‘exit when cursor%NOTFOUND;’ would process the remaining records but that, to me, defeats the purpose of the conditional exit. As I see it, we want to exit the loop when no more work is to be done, not look for partial sets of data to apply then exit before the next (unsuccessful) fetch.] Our next example does two things: loads data using bulk collect into a varray then uses the FORALL loop construct to quickly process the collection and insert the data into a staging table (I believe this originally appeared in ‘Morgan’s Library’ on the website). The second part is a bit contrived as it uses a collection to process deletes from a table — deletes that could have easily been executed with a single SQL statement — but it does show the power of using collections and varrays:

SQL> set echo on timing on
SQL> create table temp_stg(
  2        usrname varchar2(30),
  3        usrjob varchar2(20),
  4        usrsal number
  5  );

Table created.

SQL> begin
  2        for i in 1..1000000 loop
  3        insert into temp_stg
  4        values ('Blorp'||i, 'Job'||i, 1200*(mod(i,3)));
  5        end loop;
  7        commit;
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> create table temp_ld(
  2        usrname varchar2(30),
  3        usrjob varchar2(20),
  4        usrsal number
  5  );

Table created.

  3  TYPE dfarray IS TABLE OF temp_stg%ROWTYPE;
  4  ld_dat dfarray;
  6  CURSOR stg IS
  7  SELECT *
  8  FROM temp_stg;
 10  BEGIN
 11   OPEN stg;
 12   LOOP
 13     FETCH stg BULK COLLECT INTO ld_dat LIMIT 1000;
 15     FORALL i IN 1..ld_dat.COUNT
 16        INSERT INTO temp_ld VALUES ld_dat(i);
 18     EXIT WHEN ld_dat.count=0;
 19    END LOOP;
 20    COMMIT;
 21    CLOSE r;
 22  END bulk_load;
 23  /

Procedure created.

SQL> exec bulk_load;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from temp_stg where usrname like '%99999%';

USRNAME                        USRJOB                   USRSAL
------------------------------ -------------------- ----------
Blorp99999                     Job99999                      0
Blorp199999                    Job199999                  1200
Blorp299999                    Job299999                  2400
Blorp399999                    Job399999                     0
Blorp499999                    Job499999                  1200
Blorp599999                    Job599999                  2400
Blorp699999                    Job699999                     0
Blorp799999                    Job799999                  1200
Blorp899999                    Job899999                  2400
Blorp999990                    Job999990                     0
Blorp999991                    Job999991                  1200

USRNAME                        USRJOB                   USRSAL
------------------------------ -------------------- ----------
Blorp999992                    Job999992                  2400
Blorp999993                    Job999993                     0
Blorp999994                    Job999994                  1200
Blorp999995                    Job999995                  2400
Blorp999996                    Job999996                     0
Blorp999997                    Job999997                  1200
Blorp999998                    Job999998                  2400
Blorp999999                    Job999999                     0

19 rows selected.


Trust me that the data loads took very little time to process. Here is the contrived part, but it is still a good example of the power of using collections:

  3  TYPE dfarray IS TABLE OF temp_stg.usrname%TYPE;
  4  ld_dat dfarray;
  6  CURSOR stg IS
  7  SELECT usrname
  8  FROM temp_stg
  9  where usrname like '%9999%';
 11  BEGIN
 12   OPEN stg;
 13   LOOP
 14     FETCH stg BULK COLLECT INTO ld_dat LIMIT 1000;
 16     FORALL i IN 1..ld_dat.COUNT
 17        delete from temp_ld where usrname = ld_dat(i);
 19     EXIT WHEN ld_dat.count=0;
 20    END LOOP;
 21    COMMIT;
 22    CLOSE stg;
 23  END data_del;
 24  /

Procedure created.

SQL> show errors
No errors.
SQL> exec data_del;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from temp_ld where usrname like '%99999%';

no rows selected


Collections can be a real timesaver for bulk processing of data; they may not be applicable in every situation but when the conditions are right they can make your job so much easier. Master collections and varrays and you may be able to amaze your friends.

See all articles by David Fitzjarrell

David Fitzjarrell
David Fitzjarrell
David Fitzjarrell has more than 20 years of administration experience with various releases of the Oracle DBMS. He has installed the Oracle software on many platforms, including UNIX, Windows and Linux, and monitored and tuned performance in those environments. He is knowledgeable in the traditional tools for performance tuning – the Oracle Wait Interface, Statspack, event 10046 and 10053 traces, tkprof, explain plan and autotrace – and has used these to great advantage at the U.S. Postal Service, American Airlines/SABRE, ConocoPhilips and SiriusXM Radio, among others, to increase throughput and improve the quality of the production system. He has also set up scripts to regularly monitor available space and set thresholds to notify DBAs of impending space shortages before they affect the production environment. These scripts generate data which can also used to trend database growth over time, aiding in capacity planning. He has used RMAN, Streams, RAC and Data Guard in Oracle installations to ensure full recoverability and failover capabilities as well as high availability, and has configured a 'cascading' set of DR databases using the primary DR databases as the source, managing the archivelog transfers manually and montoring, through scripts, the health of these secondary DR databases. He has also used ASM, ASMM and ASSM to improve performance and manage storage and shared memory.

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