Using Oracle 11g’s Active Data Guard and Snapshot Standby Features

Synopsis. Oracle Database 11g expands dramatically the ability to leverage a physical standby database for simultaneous support of both disaster recovery as well as intensive query activity. This article – the fifth in this ongoing series – also illustrates how Oracle 11g’s new snapshot standby features leverage a physical standby database for application quality assurance testing, including the new Real Application Testing suite.

The prior article in this series explored how to:

  • Use a recovery catalog to catalog backups made on the standby database
  • Create incrementally updateable image copy backups from a standby database
  • Implement block change tracking on a standby database

This article will discuss:

  • How to leverage Oracle 11g Data Guard Real Time Query features
  • How Oracle 11g Data Guard snapshot standby database features simultaneously provide disaster recovery and quality assurance testing environments

Active Data Guard: Real-Time Queries During Managed Recovery

Prior to Oracle Database 11g, the DBA could opt for one of two mutually-exclusive choices for a physical standby databases operating mode:

  • The database could operate in Managed Recovery mode, in which redo data would be applied as soon as it was received from the corresponding primary database. The physical standby would thus be available immediately for transition to the primary role during either a switchover or a failover operation.
  • Alternatively, the database could be opened in READ ONLY mode so that applications could execute queries against it. This offered the ability to leverage the physical standby database platform for the intensive read operations that data warehousing, DSS, and OLAP applications typically perform, thus offloading that workload from the production database.

While it was certainly possible to maintain two physical standby databases – one in managed recovery mode, and another in READ ONLY mode – to satisfy both requirements, it also potentially increased licensing costs and the complexity of the Data Guard environment. Thankfully, Oracle 11g now offers the capability to satisfy both modes within one physical standby database with Real Time Query, part of the separately licensable Active Data Guard option.

Enabling Active Data Guard. To activate this feature, I’ll first disable application of redo on the physical standby database. Since I’ve already enabled a Data Guard configuration, I’ll issue the appropriate commands via the DGMGRL command line utility against that database:

[oracle@11gPrimary ~]$ echo $ORACLE_SID

$> dgmgrl
Copyright (c) 2000, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information.
DGMGRL> connect sys/oracle
DGMGRL> edit database orcl_stdby1 set state=apply-off;
DGMGRL> show database orcl_stdby1

  Name:            orcl_stdby1
  Role:            PHYSICAL STANDBY
  Enabled:         YES
  Intended State:  APPLY-OFF

Next, I’ll connect to the physical standby database and issue the ALTER DATABASE OPEN; command from within a SQL*Plus session to activate Active Data Guard. I’ve shown the results of issuing this command reflected in the alert log of the ORCL_STDBY1 database in Listing 5.1. Finally, I’ll reactivate redo application via DGMRGL commands:

DGMGRL> edit database orcl_stdby1 set state=apply-on;
DGMGRL> show database orcl_stdby1;

  Name:            orcl_stdby1
  Role:            PHYSICAL STANDBY
  Enabled:         YES
  Intended State:  APPLY-ON

At this point, the physical standby database is open in READ ONLY mode, but it’s simultaneously receiving and applying redo from its counterpart primary database.

Disabling Active Data Guard. Once activated, Active Data Guard’s Real-Time Query feature is equally simple to deactivate. All the DBA needs to do is:

  • Disable application of redo on the physical standby database using DGMGRL
  • Shut down the physical standby database
  • Restart the physical standby database instance in MOUNT mode
  • Re-enable application of redo on the physical standby database using DGMGRL

Since the physical standby database has been already configured for managed recovery via Data Guard Broker, the database’s DMON background process will automatically restart the Managed Recovery Process (MRP0) once redo application has been re-established.

Leveraging Snapshot Standby Database for Effective Application Testing

While I’ve got to admit that the new Active Data Guard features are impressive, Oracle 11g Data Guard also offers a new type of standby database – a snapshot standby – that simultaneously provides disaster recovery capabilities while also performing quality assurance testing against the same database because it’s also open in READ WRITE mode. A snapshot standby database therefore promises several advantages not available in prior releases:

Reduced database licensing costs. Since I can now easily transform a physical standby database from its disaster recovery mode into application testing mode, this translates into one less Oracle 11g database that needs to be licensed.

Reduced hardware costs. One less Oracle database also means one less database server. Now instead of having to justify the additional hardware costs of providing a QA environment, I’m able to provide it for essentially the same cost as the disaster recovery environment. And I can take advantage of those savings to justify duplicating the hardware environment for the primary database server because it will eliminate one additional variable – the system configuration itself – when I’m deep in the throes of system or integration testing of a new application software release.

Real Application Testing. A snapshot standby database is a perfect complement to Oracle 11g’s new Real Application Testing suite because it’s an excellent platform on which to replay a previously-recorded workload. The DBA can capture a representative workload from any Oracle 9iR2 (release Oracle 10gR2 (release, or Oracle 11gR1 (release database and then play it back on a snapshot standby database that’s configured in what I’ve termed “production plus one” (P+1) mode to determine if any performance, data, or error regression might occur when transitioning the application workload to Oracle 11g. (Please see my article series on Database Workload Capture and Replay for an in-depth discussion of this topic.)

Preconditions. It’s important to note some key prerequisites for creating a standby database:

  • Only a physical standby database can become a snapshot standby database. A logical standby database cannot be transformed into a snapshot standby for rather obvious reasons: Logical standby databases aren’t required to be an exact duplicate of the primary database, and they use a totally different method – SQL Apply – to apply redo information.
  • Flashback Logging must be enabled. Flashback Logging must have been enabled on both the primary database as well as the corresponding physical standby database that’s the target of the conversion. This means that a suitably-sized Flash Recovery Area is present, and it must be large enough to retain all recovery files necessary to return the original physical standby database to its prior state before being transformed to a snapshot standby database.

Creating a Snapshot Standby Database: An Example

Oracle Database 11g leverages the powerful Flashback Database features introduced in Oracle 10g to implement the transition between physical standby and snapshot standby modes, and the Data Guard Broker accomplishes the transition with a single command: CONVERT DATABASE. Transitioning from physical standby mode to snapshot standby mode involves three phases:

1.) Managed recovery is terminated. First, the physical standby database’s Managed Recovery Process (MRP0) is shut down, and then the physical standby database is shut down. Note that redo logs will still be received at the standby site – they just aren’t going to be applied until after physical standby mode is restored at a later time.

2.) A guaranteed restore point is created. Next, the physical standby database is opened in MOUNT mode and a guaranteed restore point is created. Once a guaranteed restore point is created, Oracle literally guarantees that all files necessary to perform a point-in-time recovery of the database to that specified point in time will be retained until the guaranteed restore point is destroyed. (Without a guaranteed restore point, Oracle might start deleting Flashback Logs in FIFO order when the database’s Flash Recovery Area approached overflow capacity, and that would make it impossible to “rewind” the physical standby database to the state it was in prior to becoming a snapshot standby database.)

3) A newly-incarnated snapshot standby database is opened. Finally, the physical standby database is opened in READ WRITE mode as a snapshot standby by incrementing its current incarnation. At this point, any user can now access the snapshot standby database if it were an exact copy of the production database – which, of course, it is! – and perform any desired application testing until either the testing phase is completed, or disaster recovery is required.

To illustrate how to transmogrify a physical standby into a snapshot standby database via Data Guard Broker, I’ll first create a few new database objects in my production database so I can modify them after the snapshot database has been activated:

-- Create new sequence
DROP SEQUENCE hr.seq_empl_id;
CREATE SEQUENCE hr.seq_empl_id
    MAXVALUE 999999999999
    START WITH 100
    CACHE 1000

-- Create new table
DROP TABLE hr.new_employees PURGE;
CREATE TABLE hr.new_employees
   TABLESPACE example
        SELECT employee_id, last_name, first_name, salary 
          FROM hr.employees
         WHERE 1 = 0;

-- Now populate additional data into the table
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;


-- Create primary key (PK) index and constraint
ALTER TABLE hr.new_employees
    ADD CONSTRAINT new_employees_pk 
    PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)
        CREATE INDEX hr.new_employees_pk_idx
            ON hr.new_employees (employee_id)
            TABLESPACE example

Here’s the results of some queries run against the production database’s data dictionary and the new table I created there:

  FROM dba_indexes
 WHERE table_owner = 'HR'
   AND table_name = 'NEW_EMPLOYEES';

OWNER                          INDEX_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
HR                             NEW_EMPLOYEES_PK_IDX

-- Capture some statistics from the newly-created table
     COUNT(*) tot_emps
  FROM hr.new_employees;

---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
      6848              100             6947  6517.75701        2100       30000

Next, I’ll open a DGMGRL session, connect to my primary database, and issue the appropriate flavor of the CONVERT DATABASE command to complete the transformation of the current physical standby database (ORCL_STDBY1) to a snapshot standby database:

[oracle@11gPrimary ~]$ dgmgrl
DGMGRL for Linux: Version - Production

Copyright (c) 2000, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information.
DGMGRL> connect sys/oracle
DGMGRL> show configuration

  Name:                MAA_orcl
  Enabled:             YES
  Protection Mode:     MaxPerformance
    orcl_primary - Primary database
    orcl_stdby1  - Physical standby database

Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

Current status for "MAA_orcl":

Converting database "orcl_stdby1" to a Snapshot Standby database, please wait...

Database "orcl_stdby1" converted successfully
DGMGRL> show configuration

  Name:                MAA_orcl
  Enabled:             YES
  Protection Mode:     MaxPerformance
    orcl_primary - Primary database
    orcl_stdby1  - Snapshot standby database

Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

Current status for "MAA_orcl":

As shown in Listing 5.2, the successful conversion of the original physical standby database to a snapshot standby database is also reflected in the database’s alert log. I can also confirm that the snapshot standby database is indeed a separate incarnation of its “parent” physical standby database by querying the V$DATABASE_INCARNATION and V$DATABASE dynamic views:

TTITLE 'Database Incarnations|(from V$DATABASE_INCARNATION)'
COL incarnation#        FORMAT 9999999      HEADING 'Incar-|nation'
COL resetlogs_id        FORMAT 99999999999  HEADING 'ResetLogs|ID'
COL prior_incarnation#  FORMAT 9999999      HEADING 'Prior|Incar-|nation'
COL status              FORMAT A16          HEADING 'Status'
COL rsl_dtm             FORMAT A11          HEADING 'Reset|Logs|Timestamp' WRAP
COL prior_rsl_dtm       FORMAT A11          HEADING 'Prior|Reset|Logs|Timestamp' WRAP
COL fba_flag            FORMAT A05          HEADING 'Flash|Back|DB|Alwd?'
    ,resetlogs_change# rsl_chg#
    ,TO_CHAR(resetlogs_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') rsl_dtm
    ,TO_CHAR(prior_resetlogs_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') prior_rsl_dtm
    ,flashback_database_allowed fba_flag
  FROM v$database_incarnation
                                  Database Incarnations
                             (from V$DATABASE_INCARNATION)

                                                      Prior                        Flash
                                 Reset          Prior Reset                        Back
  Incar-    ResetLogs            Logs          Incar- Logs                         DB
  nation           ID   RSL_CHG# Timestamp     nation Timestamp   Status           Alwd?
-------- ------------ ---------- ----------- -------- ----------- ---------------- -----
       1    629600782          1 2007-08-03         0             PARENT           NO

       2    682541003     522753 2009-03-26         1 2007-08-03  PARENT           NO
                                 18:43:23             01:06:22

       3    692737822    4458754 2009-07-20         2 2009-03-26  ORPHAN           NO
                                 19:10:22             18:43:23

       4    692911765    4957899 2009-07-22         2 2009-03-26  ORPHAN           YES
                                 19:29:25             18:43:23

       5    693763762    4970489 2009-08-01         2 2009-03-26  PARENT          NO
                                 16:09:22             18:43:23

       6    694880645    5045967 2009-08-14         5 2009-08-01  CURRENT         NO
                                 14:24:05             16:09:22

6 rows selected.

                                                   Prior Prior
SQL> SQL> TTITLE 'Database Status|(From V$DATABASE)'
COL name                FORMAT A12      HEADING 'Database|Name'
COL current_scn         FORMAT 99999999 HEADING 'Current SCN'
COL rlc_nbr             FORMAT 9999999  HEADING 'ResetLogs|Change #'
COL rlc_dtm             FORMAT A11      HEADING 'ResetLogs|Timestamp' WRAP
COL prlc_nbr            FORMAT 9999999  HEADING 'Prior|ResetLogs|Change #'
COL prlc_dtm            FORMAT A11      HEADING 'Prior|ResetLogs|Timestamp' WRAP
    ,resetlogs_change# rlc_nbr
    ,TO_CHAR(resetlogs_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  rlc_dtm
    ,prior_resetlogs_change# prlc_nbr
    ,TO_CHAR(prior_resetlogs_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')  prlc_dtm
  FROM v$database

                           Database Status
                          (From V$DATABASE)

                                                    Prior Prior
Database                 ResetLogs  ResetLogs   ResetLogs ResetLogs
Name         Current SCN  Change #  Timestamp    Change # Timestamp
------------ ----------- ---------  ----------- --------- -----------
ORCL             5046338   5045967 2009-08-14    4970489 2009-08-01
                                    14:24:05              16:09:22

Now that my snapshot standby database is available for READ WRITE access, I’ll simulate the deployment of required application changes. I’ll add two new indexes against the HR.NEW_EMPLOYEES table and insert a few more rows into the table, then query the data dictionary and the table to prove these changes are in place as expected:

-- Add new indexes on Last Name and Salary columns
CREATE INDEX hr.new_employees_salary
   ON hr.new_employees (salary)
   TABLESPACE example;

CREATE INDEX hr.new_employees_ln
   ON hr.new_employees (last_name)
   TABLESPACE example;

-- Add some more data using the table as its own source
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;
INSERT INTO hr.new_employees 
SELECT hr.seq_empl_id.NEXTVAL, last_name, first_name, salary FROM hr.new_employees;


-- Show the results of the reconfiguration
     COUNT(*) tot_emps
  FROM hr.new_employees;

---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
     27392             100            27643  6517.75701        2100       30000

  FROM dba_indexes
 WHERE table_owner = 'HR'
   AND table_name = 'NEW_EMPLOYEES';

OWNER                          INDEX_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
HR                             NEW_EMPLOYEES_PK_IDX
HR                             NEW_EMPLOYEES_SALARY
HR                             NEW_EMPLOYEES_LN

At this point, I could continue testing my application with the changes in place, but roll them back at any time to the original guaranteed restore point and start my testing all over again. I could also replay a pre-recorded application workload using Oracle 11g’s Real Application Testing suite via calls to the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY package or via Enterprise Manager.

Switching a Snapshot Standby Database Back To Physical Standby Mode

But what if I need to perform disaster recovery via a failover at this point in my application testing? Or, in a more likely scenario, what if I need to deploy critical patch updates or perform a rolling upgrade by performing a role transition? Here’s the beauty of the snapshot standby technology: Transforming a database that’s currently operating in snapshot standby mode back to physical standby mode essentially uses the same principles in reverse:

1.) Snapshot standby mode is terminated. First, Oracle 11g discards any changes that have been made to the snapshot standby database. It does this by applying flashback logs to rewind the standby database back to the previously-created guaranteed restore point.

2.) The original physical standby database is reincarnated. The physical standby database is restored to its previous incarnation. All changes that were made during snapshot standby operations are reflected in an orphaned incarnation.

3.) Managed recovery is reinstated. Since the reincarnated physical standby database is now in MOUNT mode, Oracle 11g simply applies the change vectors from the previously received (but as yet unapplied!) redo logs to roll forward all changes that pertain to the original incarnation, and then the Managed Recovery Process (MRP0) is reactivated.

To illustrate the reversion of a snapshot standby database back to physical standby mode, I’ll once again use DGMGRL to connect to my primary database and issue the CONVERT DATABASE command to transform database ORCL_STDBY1 into its original physical standby role:

Converting database "orcl_stdby1" to a Physical Standby database, please wait...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "orcl_stdby1" on database "orcl_stdby1"
Shutting down instance "orcl_stdby1"...
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Operation requires startup of instance "orcl_stdby1" on database "orcl_stdby1"
Starting instance "orcl_stdby1"...
ORACLE instance started.
Database mounted.
Continuing to convert database "orcl_stdby1" ...
Operation requires shutdown of instance "orcl_stdby1" on database "orcl_stdby1"
Shutting down instance "orcl_stdby1"...
ORA-01109: database not open
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
Operation requires startup of instance "orcl_stdby1" on database "orcl_stdby1"
Starting instance "orcl_stdby1"...
ORACLE instance started.
Database mounted.
Database "orcl_stdby1" converted successfully

The results of converting the snapshot standby database back to its original physical standby state are also reflected in the database’s alert log as shown in Listing 5.3. The following query results prove that the physical standby database has been restored to its prior state:

                                  Database Incarnations
                             (from V$DATABASE_INCARNATION)

                                                      Prior                        Flash
                                 Reset          Prior Reset                        Back
  Incar-    ResetLogs            Logs          Incar- Logs                         DB
  nation           ID   RSL_CHG# Timestamp     nation Timestamp   Status           Alwd?
-------- ------------ ---------- ----------- -------- ----------- ---------------- -----
       1    629600782          1 2007-08-03         0             PARENT           NO

       2    682541003     522753 2009-03-26         1 2007-08-03  PARENT           NO
                                 18:43:23             01:06:22

       3    692737822    4458754 2009-07-20         2 2009-03-26  ORPHAN           NO
                                 19:10:22             18:43:23

       4    692911765    4957899 2009-07-22         2 2009-03-26  ORPHAN           YES
                                 19:29:25             18:43:23

       5    693763762    4970489 2009-08-01         2 2009-03-26  CURRENT         NO
                                 16:09:22             18:43:23

       6    694880645    5045967 2009-08-14         5 2009-08-01  ORPHAN          NO
                                 14:24:05             16:09:22

6 rows selected.

                           Database Status
                          (From V$DATABASE)

                                                    Prior Prior
Database                 ResetLogs  ResetLogs   ResetLogs ResetLogs
Name         Current SCN  Change #  Timestamp    Change # Timestamp
------------ ----------- ---------  ----------- --------- -----------
ORCL             5046662   4970489 2009-08-01     522753 2009-03-26
                                    16:09:22              18:43:23

     COUNT(*) tot_emps
  FROM hr.new_employees;

---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
      6848             100             6947  6517.75701        2100       30000

  FROM dba_indexes
 WHERE table_owner = 'HR'
   AND table_name = 'NEW_EMPLOYEES';

OWNER                          INDEX_NAME
------------------------------ ------------------------------
HR                             NEW_EMPLOYEES_PK_IDX

Snapshot Standby Databases: Some Caveats

Even though snapshot standby databases offer some obvious advantages for application testing, it’s important to be aware of at least two possible situations that could delay a speedy reincarnation of the physical standby database environment:

  • Reincarnation may take a long time. Depending on how much READ WRITE activity has taken place on the snapshot standby incarnation of the database, it could take an extremely long time to rewind those changes via Flashback Database to the original guaranteed restore point … and an equally long time to roll forward all the pending change data from the archived redo logs that have been received since the standby database was incarnated.
  • Delayed discovery of corrupted archived redo logs. Remember that even though archived redo logs are still being received at the snapshot standby database’s site, those logs will not be applied until after the snapshot standby is reincarnated as a physical standby database. If the primary database is unavailable when reincarnation is attempted, and one or more of the as-yet unapplied archived redo logs are corrupted or missing on the standby site, reincarnation isn’t possible until those logs have been recovered from some other source – perhaps even from tape backups.

Next Steps

In the next article in this series, I’ll delve into how Oracle 11g handles the ultimate worst-case scenario — the loss of the primary database — by showing how an Oracle DBA can initiate a failover operation to a physical standby database, as well as resurrect a failed primary database back to physical standby with Data Guard’s REINSTATE command.

References and Additional Reading

While I’m hopeful that I’ve given you a thorough grounding in the technical aspects of the features I’ve discussed in this article, I’m also sure that there may be better documentation available since it’s been published. I therefore strongly suggest that you take a close look at the corresponding Oracle documentation on these features to obtain crystal-clear understanding before attempting to implement them in a production environment. Please note that I’ve drawn upon the following Oracle Database 11g documentation for the deeper technical details of this article:

B28279-02 Oracle Database 11g New Features Guide

B28294-03 Oracle Database 11g Data Guard Concepts and Administration

B28295-03 Oracle Database 11g Data Guard Broker

B28320-01 Oracle Database 11g Reference Guide

B28419-02 Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference

» See All Articles by Columnist Jim Czuprynski

Jim Czuprynski
Jim Czuprynski
Jim Czuprynski has accumulated over 30 years of experience during his information technology career. He has filled diverse roles at several Fortune 1000 companies in those three decades - mainframe programmer, applications developer, business analyst, and project manager - before becoming an Oracle database administrator in 2001. He currently holds OCP certification for Oracle 9i, 10g and 11g. Jim teaches the core Oracle University database administration courses on behalf of Oracle and its Education Partners throughout the United States and Canada, instructing several hundred Oracle DBAs since 2005. He was selected as Oracle Education Partner Instructor of the Year in 2009. Jim resides in Bartlett, Illinois, USA with his wife Ruth, whose career as a project manager and software quality assurance manager for a multinational insurance company makes for interesting marital discussions. He enjoys cross-country skiing, biking, bird watching, and writing about his life experiences in the field of information technology.

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