Working with VARRAYs in Oracle Part III

This article is the third and last in the three part series,
that has explored the use of VARRAYs in Oracle. This part will look at the
performance implications if you should choose to use VARRAYS.

In Part I&II of this series, we learned how to create
the abstract data types and use them to our advantage for modeling purposes.
They were pretty slick and could handle some interesting scenarios when moving
data around. We also learned that we could easily hide the complexity of the
abstract structures from our end users to make the abstract data types very
easy to use. However, in this article we turn our focus to how these structures
will behave when we actually use them. Will they improve the performance or
bring our systems to their knees. Let’s walk through a few different scenarios
and show the effects of using VARRAYs.

The Players

1.      The
table called GAS_LOG, defined with and without a VARRAY. See the first
and second
part of this series if need be.

2.      A
non-unique b-tree index on GAS_LOG table for VIN number.

3.      A
source table of 50,000 rows where each row is a unique VIN number. This table
will be cycled through 20 times to simulate 20 different gas logs added for
each VIN defined. This will amount to a 1 million-row table.

The Simple Test

For our test, we will be determining the response time, wait
time, and a breakout of the CPU used. Table 1
shows the three test scenarios we will use and what they entail. The last two
require a PL/SQL procedure which can be found in Listing

Table 1
Test Scenarios




This is a simple insert into…select from statement and
will be used as a baseline because it requires no processing and will produce
the quickest response since there is not translation processing to be done.

PL/SQL Cursor

on Regular Table

This will open a cursor (20 times) on the source table and
execute individual insert statements for a GAS_LOG table that does not have a
VARRAY defined on it.

PL/SQL Cursor

on Table with VARRAY

This will open a cursor (20 times) on the source table and
execute individual insert statements for a GAS_LOG table that DOES HAVE a
VARRAY defined on it.

Definition Level Set

Before we go any further in this, I have provided a few
quick definitions in Table 2 to give you
insight into what we will be measuring. I have zeroed in only on these items
because at a high level they are what matters to the end user and directly
impact what the end user will see as response from the system. Please note that
response time is the summation of the CPU times plus the Wait time. Also, note
that parse time and recursive time are components of the total CPU used.

Table 2

Important Response Time Statistics

Response Time

The amount of
time it took the application to finish. This is the summation of CPU Used and
Wait Time.

CPU used by
this session

Total amount
of CPU Used for the application.

parse time CPU

Total amount
of CPU used to parse the SQL Statements.

recursive CPU

Total amount
of CPU used to update internal tables for the processing of the SQL
Statements. This could be stuff like space allocation of updates to the data

Wait Time

Total amount
of time that resources were in a wait state.

Comparing Inserting Data

In the following scenarios, you will see the top level wait
events along with the amount of CPU that was used to produce the inserts into
the tables. While there were other wait events with some time associated to
them, they were not very much and did not impact the results that I saw. Table 3 shows you a quick overview of the
statistics and how the different scenarios compare to one another. A few
gleaming insights can be noted:

1.      If
it were not for the PL/SQL code doing recursive calls the cursor and inserting
into the table without the VARRAY would almost be as quick as the straight

2.      For
the VARRY object, all the times were much more than any operation on a normal
table. Remember, if you want to look back at Part I&II of this series, that
there is more PL/SQL code to handle the inserting into the VARRAY table and we
must read the VARRAY into memory before we can change it and update it.

Table 3

Overview of Statistics Gathered



Response Time

CPU Used

Parse Time CPU

Recursive CPU Usage

Time Waited







PL/SQL Cursor on Regular Table






PL/SQL Cursor on Table with VARRAY






While performing the inserts,
50,000 at a time for 20 cycles, I decided to take a look at the segregation of
the insert rate. As you can see from Table 4 there was not really any
derogation for the straight insert or PL/SQL cursor methods. Unfortunately, the
more entries we put in the VARRAY in our table, the more time it took. As you
can also see, the very first insert we did had the best response time but still
was not even close to what the other methods provided. Moreover, it just went
downhill (upslope) from there.

Table 4
Graph of Response Time for each
set of Inserts over time

James Koopmann
James Koopmann
James Koopmann has fourteen years of database design, development and performance tuning experience. In addition, he has extensive database administration experience in Oracle and other relational databases in production environments, specializing in performance tuning of database engines and SQL based applications. Koopmann is an accomplished author with several technical papers in various Oracle related publications such as Oracle Magazine, Oracle Professional and SQL>UPDATE_RMOUG. He is a featured author and database expert for DatabaseJournal, a member of the editorial review committee for Select Journal (The Magazine for the International Oracle Users Group), an Oracle Certified Professional DBA and noted speaker at local Oracle User Groups around the country.

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