Transact SQL statements are usually executed in sequential
order. When a long stored procedure or statement is created, line 1 will run,
followed by line 2, followed by line 3. In many cases, we will want to
interrupt this normal flow. Special processing may be needed depending on the
results just received. We may want to branch or loop for example. Like other
programming languages, Transact SQL has key words for controlling this order of
execution. Collectively, these key words are called a Control of Flow
language. This article examines these key words and how they are used to
interrelate and connect separate statements into a traditional programming like
One of the most often used Control of Flow key words is IF.
Like other programming languages, IF is used to test a Boolean condition. When
the result of the IF statement is True, the next proceeding line is executed.
From inside Query Analyzer, change to the pubs database and execute:
IF EXISTS(SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = ‘Smith’)
PRINT ‘Found it’
The words "Found it" should be returned.
The ELSE key word can be coupled with IF to execute logic
when the IF statement returns False. Else is an optional statement.
IF EXISTS(SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = Jones)
PRINT ‘Found it’
PRINT ‘Not Found’
This statement will return "Not Found." Unlike
other languages, TSQL does not have an ELSE IF key word. The work around is to
nest IF ELSE statements inside other IF ELSE statements. There are no limits
to the number of times an IF ELSE statement can be nested. There is no END IF
IF EXISTS(SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = ‘Jones’)
PRINT ‘Found it Jones’ELSE
IF EXISTS(SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = ‘Smith’)
PRINT ‘Found it Smith’ELSE
PRINT ‘Not Found Smith or Jones’
The BEGIN and END keywords are used to group multiple lines
into one Statement Block. An example of when Statement Blocks are required is
in the result of an IF ELSE statement. In this example, two PRINT lines are
wanted on True result. Nothing should be returned on a False result.
IF EXISTS(SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = ‘Jones’)
PRINT ‘Found it’
PRINT ‘Last name of Jones’
The statement will return:
Last name of Jones
though there is no Jones in the database. The unwanted return is generated
because IF statements only return the next line or Statement Block. In our
case, there is no Statement Block, because the BEGIN and END key words are not
used, so only the next line of: PRINT 'Found it'
is considered to
be tied to the IF statement. The PRINT ‘Last name of Jones
‘ is
viewed as a new command all by itself–not
attached to the IF. To get the desired results, modify the statement to:
IF EXISTS(SELECT au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = ‘Jones’)
PRINT ‘Found it’
PRINT ‘Last name of Jones’
Now the statement will come back without any of the PRINT
lines being executed.
Yes, the old faithful GOTO, despised as the spaghetti code
instigator in other languages, is alive and well in TSQL. GOTO simply defines
a label, and lets the code jump to that label from some other point. Cursors
usually make use of a GOTO statement. However, a GOTO can also be used alone.
This statement defines a GOTO Label, do_it_again, by ending it with a colon.
When the second IF is executed, GOTO sends control back to the Label if the
count is less than 100.
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = 0do_it_again:
IF @Count < 100
PRINT ‘Hello World’
SET @Count = @Count + 1
ENDIF @Count < 100
GOTO do_it_again
A point sometimes overlooked is that any statement ending in
a colon is considered a label. In addition, the code under the label is
executed on the first pass. In other words, the code logically belonging to a
label is executed as standard TSQL when first encountered. So the value of
@Count, when it reaches:
IF @Count < 100
GOTO do_it_again
For the first time is 1, not 0.
When the RETURN key word is encountered, statement execution
ends, unconditionally. Any lines following a RETURN are not executed.
Optionally, the RETURN can pass an integer. If a RETURN is placed inside our
Label code, only one "Hello World" will be returned.
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = 0do_it_again:
IF @Count < 100
PRINT ‘Hello World’
SET @Count = @Count + 1
ENDIF @Count < 100
GOTO do_it_again
WAITFOR allows statement execution to be paused for a
delayed time amount, or until a specific time of day. This is similar to the
PAUSE key word in other languages. The following example replaces the RETURN
statement with a two second delay. Execution time will now take twenty seconds
for a 10 count loop.
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = 0do_it_again:
IF @Count < 10
PRINT ‘Hello World’
WAITFOR DELAY ’00:00:02′
SET @Count = @Count + 1
ENDIF @Count < 10
GOTO do_it_again
Like other languages, the TSQL WHILE creates a loop that
keeps executing until a Boolean False condition is received. Like IF
statements, WHILE statements can be nested inside other WHILE statements.
BEGIN and END are also used in the same IF statement way.
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = 0WHILE @Count < 100
PRINT ‘Hello World’
SET @Count = @Count + 1
BREAK and CONTINUE are used to exit, or continue executing
WHILE or IF statements. The above statements have been modified to show an
example of their use. The statement will only return ten rows now.
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = 0WHILE @Count < 100
PRINT ‘Hello World’
SET @Count = @Count + 1
IF @Count > 10
Missing or misused BEGIN and END statements seem to cause
most of the problems associated with flow. Another problem is that Query
Analyzer does not indent flow statements well, leading to confusion as to where
one statement block ends and another begins. However, used well, Control of
Flow key words can transform Transact SQL statements into powerful programming