Controlling Transactions and Locks in SQL 2000 and 2005 – Part 1

Controlling Transactions and Locks with Hints and Snapshots
in SQL 2000 and 2005.


Locks are the mechanism databases use to control problems
that may arise from simultaneous multi-user access. Some common issues locks
try to manage include; what happens when two users try to change the same piece
of information at the same time – who wins? Or user one tries to read data
while user two is making changes on the same information, – which version of
the data should user one see, changed or unchanged? Without locks, these
situations may cause the data or results of a query to be logically incorrect.
Lock sophistication is a key difference between simple databases designed for
single user applications and enterprise databases capable of simultaneously
handling large volumes of multi-user actions. Locks are automatically created
and managed by both Microsoft SQL 2000 and SQL 2005, but there are cases when a
developer or DBA will obtain better performance by dictating the locking
behavior SQL should use. This article will introduce Transactions and Locks, as
well as methods for controlling them such as using Locking Hints and Snapshots.

Before a review of locks can take place, transactions (the
smallest unit of work in TSQL), must be introduced.


Think of a transaction as a logical container holding TSQL
that can stand alone, not needing any other statements to be complete. Every
transaction causes at least one lock to be issued. If you issue a simple one-statement
update such as:

UPDATE authors
SET au_fname = 'Don'

Then your transaction consists of only this one statement. However,
if the above statement first required that some new records be inserted into the
table, then the transaction would consist of two statements:

SELECT au_fname
FROM some_other_table
SET first_name = ‘Don’

To tell SQL that these two statements must happen together,
in the order presented, they are both wrapped together inside a single
transaction, noted by the key phrase BEGIN TRANSACTION:

SELECT au_fname
FROM some_other_table
SET first_name = ‘Don’


The COMMIT tells SQL that it has reached the end of the
transaction, and whatever data modifications the statements have made should
become a permanent part of the database. The other option for ending a
transaction is ROLLBACK, which means all the changes just made should be
undone. At this point, for both COMMIT and ROLLBACK, all resources and locks
used by the transaction are released.

As transactions become longer and more involved, locking
becomes more problematic. The code below will create a simple example of
this. We will simulate a long running transaction by not issuing a COMMIT;
this will hold a lock on records a second statement will request. In SQL 2000,
run the following TSQL from Query Analyzer:

USE pubs
UPDATE authors
SET au_fname = ‘Don’

Now open a second instance of Query Analyzer and run this

SELECT au_fname
FROM authors

The select query will not get a response. Its waiting for
the lock SQL automatically issued at the BEGIN TRANSACTION to be released. To
release it, issue this key word from the first Query Analyzer session:


When you do, the update changes will be discarded and the
second Query Analyzer session will get a dataset back.

Transactions and locks increase the complexity of database
operations, but they guarantee valid data and query results in multi-user
applications. This guarantee is expressed with the acronym ACID. ACID stands
for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

For a transaction to be Atomic, all of the DML statements
(Data Manipulation Language, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) must either all
commit, or rollback. Meaning a transaction cannot be left in a half done
state. An example would be a transfer of funds from a savings account to
checking. If the withdrawal from saving happens, the credit to checking must
happen, or if the withdrawal fails, then the credit to checking should not
happen. In either case, both must either succeed or fail together.

Consistency means a user should never see data changes in
mid transaction. Their view should return the data as it appeared prior to
beginning the transaction, or if the transaction is finished, then they should
see the changed data. Using the above checking account example, a select run at
the same time as the transfer transaction should not return the saving account
balance debited, but the checking account not yet credited.

Isolation is at the heart of multi-user
transactions. It means one transaction should not disrupt another. In the transfer
example, if at the same time we are transferring money from savings to
checking, our employer is making a payroll direct deposit into the same
checking account, neither transaction should cause the other to corrupt data.

Durability implies that the changes made by
the transaction are recorded permanently.

Lock Granularity

The simplest way to meet the ACID requirement would be for a
transaction to create a lock that seizes the entire database being affected. Not
letting anyone else touch or see any other data until the transaction
completed. This solution would of course cause a great deal performance
problems as other transactions tried to access data. The other extreme would
be to lock on a single row. Alternatively, if the transaction needed a million
rows, issue a million locks, one on each row. This would leave most of the
database open to other transactions, but each lock issued takes up memory on
the server. So even though locking on a row-by-row basis would leave most of
the database open, locking a million rows would generate quit a bit of overhead
and performance again would suffer. To avoid this, locks usually try to seize a
group of something right sized for the transaction. A lock can be issued
against a Database, Table, Extent, Page, or a Row. (A Page is usually an eight-kilobyte
storage area on the hard drive. An Extent is a group of eight pages.) This
type of right sizing will give the best performance with the least amount of


Locks are occurring on the database at all times. Every
Select and DML statement issues a lock. Although SQL can control locks
automatically, sometimes controlling them manually will lead to increased
performance. Next moth, we will introduce a variety of different locks and
methods for controlling or requesting them.


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Don Schlichting

Don Schlichting
Don Schlichting
Don Schlichting is a Microsoft MSCE, MCDBA and an Oracle Certified Associate. Working at Professional Control Corporation as the IT Director,.

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