Overview | Reference | Examples
Now supports Dimension processing with two new methods, ProcessDimension and ProcessAllDimensions.
Example scripts updated.
DSOCtrl is a small ActiveX DLL I have written to help with processing OLAP Cubes & Dimensions.
This can be used from VB, ActiveX Script, T-SQL or ASP.
My main drive for writing this was to allow me to process cubes from T-SQL scripts or stored procedures.
Using the SQL Server sp_OAxxxx I could not get a reference to a cube, despite a posting to several newsgroups,
so I decided to create a VB component..
One benefit is that all connection and processing errors are handled by the component, much simplifying the T-SQL required. I have also implemented a very nice ProcessDuration property.
The main parameters required like Server, Database & Cube can be supplied individually by setting the
relevant properties, or when executing one of the methods. The Connect methods are not really required,
as supplying the correct parameters in the Process methods will do the same job.
I made it public so as to provide any easy method to add extra functionality if required.
It also allows you to connect without processing and retrieve the LastProcessed property.
The DSOCtrl component was developed using Visual Basic 5 SP3. It utilises the Microsoft Decision Support
Objects library. Please tell me of any problems you encounter, or any suggestions for improvement.
The object is fully documented on the Reference page,
and a selection of Examples is also provided.
Download the archive below and extract DSOCtrl.dll to your system directory (WINNTSystem32). Run the following command to register it –
Regsvr32 DSOCtrl.dll
This component must be installed on the SQL Server machine when used via T-SQL (sp_OAxxxx).
When using via sp_OAxxxx the MSSQLServer service must be started using a non-system account,
which is a member of the “OLAP Administrators” group on the OLAP server.
Please note that this program is provided without any warranty or assurances of any kind.
Use it at your own risk. Commercial distribution or distribution for profit in any form is strictly forbidden without prior permission from the author.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Download DSOCtrl (~13K).
Version 0.3.2 (31/10/1999) – New dimension processing methods and properties added (ProcessDimension, ProcessAllDimensions)
Version 0.2.9 (02/10/1999) – First Public Release Version