This small application allows you to list the packages available on your server.
You can add/edit/delete Global variables within a package as well as executing it.
I have created several processes in response to user requests that utilise DTS.
I wrote this utility to allow users to execute packages themselves.
I use a Global Variable to supply the filename of the user file,
so it makes life easier if they can change this themselves.
To run this you will require Microsoft Visual Basic 5 Runtimes and
Enterprise Manager installed on the local machine (Includes SQL Client Components).
It is possible to distribute the relevant SQL-DMO, SQL-NS, and DTS Package Object libraries independently
but due to the complicated nature of this, which is compounded further by service packs and updates,
I cannot readily advise on this.
If you disable the SQL-NS execution method (ExecCommand = “1”, See Registry Settings below), then you only
need distribute the DTS Package Object library, along with the VB & SQL client components. For more information about
this see Redist.txt on the CD-ROM. This does howver limit the error reportng to success or fail. The main reason for
using SQL-NS execution is the very good execution monitor from Enterprise Manager.
DTSBrowse now supports package passwords, both owner and user.
As per the standard package security model, only owners can change global variables, but
users can execute packages.
If a package requires a password, you will be prompted for this when required
This is a work in progress, so please feedback any problems or suggestions.
Registry Settings
The registry settings are all stored under [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program SettingsDTSBrowse].
There are two keys, [Server] and [Options]. Server just keeps the most recently used list of servers.
Under options there are two string values –
[Filter] – This will restrict the packages available to those beginning with the filter string. To have an unrestricted view, leave blank. This is usefull if
you have lots of packages and wish to restrict the view for certain users to those they can use. Prefix the package name with few characters such as an abreviated department.
[ExecCommand] – There are now two methods to execute packages. SQL-NS ExecuteCommandByID shows the execution monitor used by Enterprise Manager.
The package object Execute method just shows a message box when complete.
- 0 – Both methods available
- 1 – DTS Package execute method only
- 2 – SQL-NS execute method only
To apply these settings to a users, (even if your NT profiles do not allow manual registry editing),
edit DTSBrowse.reg as required, then double-click on the file to merge into the users registry settings.
Please note that this program is provided without any warranty or assurances of any kind.
Use it at your own risk. Commercial distribution or distribution for profit in any form is strictly forbidden without prior permission from the author.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Download DTSBrowse (~30K).
Version 1.0.10 (19/09/1999) – Improved Connect screen, with most recently used servers listed.
Added support for Owner & User passwords. Multiple execution methods based on user.
Filtering by names. Add & Delete global variables from a package.
Removed DTS Wizard buttons. It’s easier to use dtswiz.exe.
Version 0.2.7 (08/07/1999) – First Public Release Version