MS SQL Joins Part 3


The purpose of a Join is to combine query results from two
or more related tables into one logical result set. If a database is designed
for OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) or data entry, then many related
tables will be used in the design rather than one large all encompassing
table. By using many related tables, performance gains will be achieved for
data input. The down side to this design is the difficulty in retrieving commingled
record sets back from the multiple tables. Joins enable this data retrieval. In
of this series, additional benefits and reason for using Joins were
discussed. In addition, examples and definitions of INNER Joins were explored.
in this series expanded beyond INNER Joins to include LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER,
and FULL OUTER Joins. This third and final article will cover Aliasing,
Joining more than two tables, and Joins used in UPDATE statements.


An Alias is a made up name assigned to an object to make it
easier to work with. For example, if there was a table named “DivisonSalesResultsCube”,
an Alias called “DivSales” could be assigned. Then, anytime this tabled needed
to be included in a TSQL statement, the short name DivSales could be used
rather than its true long name. Aliases are not required for Joins, but Table
Aliases are often used to make TSQL code easier to follow and more readable.
In addition, many Join examples, including those in BOL, make use of them. The
statement below shows an example of a Table Alias.

SELECT s.CustID, s.CustName, s.Address
FROM Sales s

The last “s” in the second line creates the Table Alias “s”
for the table Sales. An Alias can be a letter or word. Then the new alias was
used before each column name, specifying that the column should be returned
from the “s”, or Sales table. In this example, the entire Alias step could
have been skipped and the query would have executed correctly. Aliases are
never required, but often when working with multiple tables, specifying which
table a column belongs to is required. In these cases, although an Alias is
not required, they are often used. Below is an example of when specifying
table names would be required.

FROM Customers c INNER JOIN Sales ON c.CustID = Sales.CustID

In this example, when returning the CustID, because it
appears in both tables, a table name must be used. If the statement just said
SELECT CustID, the SQL engine wouldn’t know if it should return the value from
the Customers table or the Sales table and an error would be returned. This
example only had an Alias for the Customers table, but a more typical syntax
would have included Aliases for both tables as shown below.

FROM Customers c INNER JOIN Sales s ON c.CustID = s.CustID

Joining Three or More Tables

In all the examples so far, only two tables were joined. However,
the Join statement also supports three or more tables as show below.

SELECT Sales.*, Customers.*, Parts.*, Tax.*
FROM Sales
INNER JOIN Customers ON Sales.CustID = Customers.CustID
INNER JOIN Parts ON Parts.PartID = Sales.PartID
INNER JOIN Tax ON Tax.TaxID = Customers.TaxID

For each new table desired
in the result set, add an additional JOIN statement. The position each
JOIN appears in, (this example has Customers first), doesn’t matter. In
addition, INNER JOINS can be mixed and matched with OUTER JOINS in the same
statement. The same statement using Aliases appears below.

SELECT s.*, c.*, p.*, t.*
FROM Sales s
INNER JOIN Customers c ON s.CustID = c.CustID
INNER JOIN Parts p ON p.PartID = s.PartID
INNER JOIN Tax t ON t.TaxID = c.TaxID


The next few examples use to tables, Customers and Sales.
Execute the script below to create them.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales](
[SalesDate] [datetime] NULL,
[CustID] [int] NULL,
[ProductID] [int] NULL,
[Quantity] [int] NULL,
[CustName] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[SalesAmt] [money] NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customers](
[CustID] [int] NULL,
[CustomerName] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Addr] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[City] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[TotalSales] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

Joins can also be used in update statements. The example
below joins Sales to Customer on the Customer ID. The UPDATE will populate the
Customer Name into the Sales table.

SET Sales.CustName = Customers.CustomerName
FROM Sales INNER JOIN Customers ON Sales.CustID = Customers.CustID

Sometimes INNER JOIN examples will be written in the older
style where tables are seperated by a comma and the ON is replaced by a WHERE
clause as show below.

SET Sales.CustName = Customers.CustomerName
FROM Sales, Customers
WHERE Sales.CustID = Customers.CustID

Both statements are functionally equivalent. This style can
only be used on INNER JOINS though; OUTERS are not supported.


Often the SUM or some other aggregate from a joined table
will be needed in an UPDATE statement. For example, we could SUM a sales
table, and then enter the grand total for each customer in the CUSTOMERS table
under the column TotalSales. The statement below will use a subquery and a
JOIN. Again, because the statement uses an INNER JOIN, it can be written in
the old or new style of JOINS.

UPDATE Customers
SET TotalSales =
FROM Sales
WHERE Sales.CustID = Customer.CustID
FROM Sales, Customers

UPDATE Customers
SET TotalSales =
FROM Sales
WHERE Sales.CustID = Customers.CustID
FROM Sales INNER JOIN Customers ON Sales.CustID = Customers.CustID

Not to JOIN

There are times not to JOIN. Joins require processing
overhead. Depending on the number of rows, Joins, and indexes, a multi join
statement for reporting can have a negative impact on a production server. If
this occurs, try using multiple simple select statements that populate temp
tables over several steps. It may be an improvement.


Joins allow tables that were designed for input productivity
to still support reporting by merging data from multiple tables into one record
set. The join syntax is fairly straight forward if good coding layout and
naming conventions are used.


See All Articles by Columnist
Don Schlichting

Don Schlichting
Don Schlichting
Don Schlichting is a Microsoft MSCE, MCDBA and an Oracle Certified Associate. Working at Professional Control Corporation as the IT Director,.

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