In a large IT department, it
can be difficult to locate where new SQL Server installations were made and how
many of those SQL Servers were patched, etc. This article explains how to scan
the entire network for a range of IP addresses to find which boxes have SQL
Server instances installed. The OSQL utility with "-L" option will
not always give the right number of servers on the network. In addition, it will
not show the right listing if the SQL Server services were stopped.
WMI services should be running on all of the machines on the
network -
Login used to execute the VBScript should have access to all the
Step 1
Create the C:\IPRange folder as
shown in Fig 1.1 and then create c:\IPrange\Source.Txt as shown in the Fig 1.2.
Note: Please change the IP addresses according to your network configuration.
Fig 1.1
Fig 1.2
Step 2
Create C:\IPRange\ScanRange.vbs,
then copy and paste the code below into the file and save it.
‘Objective: To Find SQL Server on the network using IP
‘Created by: MAK
‘Date: Sep 25, 2004on error resume next
Function Pingable(strHost)
Dim objExec, objRE
set objshell = wscript.createobject(“”)
blnPingable = “False” ‘assume failure
Set objExec = objShell.Exec(“cmd /C ping -a -n 2 ” & strHost)
string1 = objExec.StdOut.ReadAll
if instr(1,string1,”TTL=”,1) >0 then
Pingable = True
pingable =false
end if
if pingable =True then
Chaine = “Pinging ”
Chaine2 = “[”
ValueSearch = InStr(1,string1,Chaine,1)
ValueSearch2 = InStr(valuesearch,string1,Chaine2,1)
If ValueSearch>=1 and ValueSearch2>1 Then
y= mid(string1,ValueSearch,(ValueSearch2-ValueSearch))
End If
pingable = replace(y,”Pinging “,””)
pingable = replace(pingable,” “,””)
if pingable =false or pingable=”” then
pingable =”False”
end if
end if
Set objExec = Nothing
Set objRE = NothingEnd Function
Set iFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FilesyStemObject”)
Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FilesyStemObject”)
InputFile =”c:\IpRange\Source.txt”
Outputfile=”c:\IpRange\IpRangeLog.txt”Set ofile = ofso.createTextFile(OutputFile, True)
Set ifile = iFSO.OpenTextFile(inputfile)Do until ifile.AtEndOfLine
ip = ifile.ReadLine
ofile.writeline “*************************************************”
ofile.writeline “Scan SQl server for the ip range : ” & ip & ” Started”
ofile.writeline now()x=ip
For i = 1 to 254
x= x + cstr(i)‘msgbox test1
‘ofile.writeline test
servername = pingable(x)
if servername<>”False” then
ofile.writeline “________________________________________________”
ofile.writeline “Machine= ” & servername & “: IP Address= ” & x
Set objWMIService =nothing
‘ msgbox “winmgmts:\\” & servername & “\root\cimv2”
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\\” & servername & “\root\cimv2″)Set colItems = nothing
query = “Select * from Win32_Service”
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query,,48)
if err.number<>0 then
ofile.writeline “Error: ” & err.number
ofile.writeline “Error: ” & err.description
For Each objItem in colItems
If left(,5)=”MSSQL” then
ofile.writeline “Servicename: ” &
end if
ofile.writeline “________________________________________________”
end if
‘msgbox cstr(ip)+cstr(i)
ofile.writeline “machine:” & x & ” Not Pingable”
end ifx=ip
ofile.writeline “Scan SQl server for the ip range : ” & ip &” Completed”
ofile.writeline now()
ofile.writeline “*************************************************”loop
Download Code from here.
Step 3
Execute the
C:\IPRange\scanrange.vbs using the cscript command as shown below. (refer Fig
cscript scanrange.vbs
Fig 1.3
Step 4
Once the script is executed, it
creates C:\IPRange\IpRangeLog.txt, which contains all of the information as
shown in Fig 1.4.
Scan SQL server for the ip range : 192.168.0. Started
9/25/2004 7:00:09 PM
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
Machine= sql: IP Address=
Servicename: MSSQLSERVER
Servicename: MSSQLServerADHelper
Machine= MAK: IP Address=
Servicename: MSSQLSERVER
Servicename: MSSQLServerADHelper
Machine= EBONY: IP Address=
Servicename: MSSQLSERVER
Servicename: MSSQLServerADHelper
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
Machine= CLAIRE: IP Address=
Servicename: MSSQLSERVER
Servicename: MSSQLServerADHelper
Servicename: MSSQLServerOLAPService
.machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
machine: Not Pingable
Scan SQL server for the ip range : 192.168.0. Completed
9/25/2004 7:07:10 PM
Scan SQL server for the ip range : 192.168.0. Started
9/25/2004 7:07:11 PM
Fig 1.4
As mentioned, this article explains
how to scan the entire network for a range of IP addresses to find which
machines have SQL Server instances installed.