In Part 1 of this series, we discussed how to prepare for SQL Server cluster installation on a two-node Windows Server 2003 cluster. We had two machines, NODE1 and NODE2, in our example. In this installment, I will show you how to install SQL Server Database Engine on the cluster. Although Analysis Services can be clustered as well, and even put in the same resource group, it is recommended to install it in a separate group so SQL Server and Analysis Services do not affect each other in the event of a problem. Therefore, we will only install SQL Server Database Engine in the example below. This article series is written based on the SQL Server 2008 RTM Developer Edition.
In the Integrated installation, we create a single-node SQL Server failover cluster instance first. Then we run Setup on each node we want to add to the cluster, and add the node using the Add Node functionality in Setup. These two steps are shown in detail below.
1. Install a single-node SQL Server failover cluster instance on NODE1.
Our SQL Server installation media is in a shared folder called sqlserver2008 on a remote computer demopc. We run the following command in the command prompt (please replace xxxxxxxxx with your own password before you run the command in your environment).
\\demopc\sqlserver2008\setup.exe /q
/INSTANCEDIR=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server”
/INSTALLSHAREDDIR=”C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server”
After the installation, we need to check the log files under the SQL Server program directory. Figure 2 shows the list of log files.
Figure 2
The summary file, in our case, Summary_NODE1_20080824_221906.txt provides the final results of each component installation.
If the installation succeeded, the SQL Server cluster group should look as in Figure 3. Please note that only NODE1 is included in the cluster so far.
Figure 3
2. Add NODE2 to the cluster using the Add NODE functionality in Setup. Run the following command in the command prompt.
\\demopc\sqlserver2008\setup.exe /q/ACTION=AddNode