In the
first article of this series, we presented the basic concepts relevant to
understanding SQL Server 2005 Integration Services, which is the primary
mechanism for Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) functionality
available in SQL Server 2005. We also provided a quick overview of tools that
allow you to manage such activities as DTS package design, development, and
storage, as well as interactive and scheduled execution. In order to gain
better familiarity with each of these activities, we will look at them from a
more practical perspective, using a number of fairly straightforward examples.
We will start with the creation of a package using SQL Server 2005 Business
Intelligence Development Studio. To access it, select the appropriate shortcut
from the Start->Programs->Microsoft SQL Server 2005 menu. As we mentioned
before, from its interface, you can create solutions consisting of one or
several associated projects, (available by selecting New Project from option
from the File menu). Since we intend to work specifically with Integration
Services functionality, make sure to pick the Integration Services Project
template listed in the New Project dialog box. Assign a descriptive name,
specify the location of the project files, and choose the desired entry from
the Solution dropdown list (out of two available options – "Create new
Solution" and "Add to Solution"). When creating a multi-project
solution, you might want to mark the "Create Directory for Solution"
By default, the project window that you are presented with next consists of
four main areas, two of which are dockable windows (although that ultimately
depends on your preferences, which you can set using items in the Windows menu
or via Options available in the Tools menu):
Package Design area occupies the majority of the workspace and is
divided into four tabs:-
Control Flow (where you create and manipulate your Control Flow
elements, such as containers and tasks, available from the Toolbox area located
directly to the left of it) -
Data Flow (providing the ability to manage data flow elements,
which, as we explained in our
previous article, determine data movement and its transformations) -
Event Handlers (allowing defining code to be invoked for every
event associated with all executable elements within the package – including
the package itself) -
Package Explorer (offering a comprehensive view of package
characteristics, including its variables, executables, precedence constraints,
event handlers, connections, and log providers).Design area is where majority of
the work involved in package development takes place. An additional tab labeled
Execution Results outlining individual package execution steps along with
relevant statistics is displayed following its execution.
Control Flow (where you create and manipulate your Control Flow
Connections area – contains list of connections included in the
current package. It appears whenever you work within the context of Control
Flow and Event Handlers tabs. Connections are also listed in the Connections
node of Package Explorer. -
Solution Explorer window – gives you graphical representation of
the solution, its projects, Data Sources, Data Source Views and DTS Packages
(saved as .dtsx files). From context sensitive menus available in this window
you can manage your solution and its projects (for example, by adding new or existing
projects, or by designating the one that will be running on startup, in case of
multi-project solutions). -
Properties window – is context sensitive, displaying the
properties of an object currently selected in an active area of the Business
Intelligence Development Studio. Properties can be ordered alphabetically or
according to their category.
Equipped with this knowledge, let’s try to create a simple package that will
load data from an external data store and store it into a table located in one
of the SQL Server 2005 databases. More specifically, in our example, we will
obtain a list of environment variables set on the SQL Server computer, which
can be accomplished by running the SET command (part of the CMD.EXE Windows
command shell environment) and redirect its output to a text file. We will then
cleanse the data and store it in a database (we will use for this purpose the tempdb
Before we start working directly with Business Intelligence Development
Studio, we need to create a batch file that will be used to execute the SET
command. We will place it in the "C:DataBaseJournalSSIS" folder and
save it as SETOUT.CMD (obviously the location and naming are arbitrary). It
will contain a single command, which generates a listing of all environment
variables in the same format – consisting of the name of environment variables
and its value, separated by the equal sign ("=") – and then redirects
it to a file SETOUT.TXT residing in the same location:
Next, create a new Solution containing a single Integration Services Project
using the Business Intelligence Development Studio (make sure you select the
correct Template from the New Project dialog box). Ensure that the Control Flow
tab of the Package Designer area is active and drag the Execute Process Task
item (listed under the Control Flow Items category) from the Toolbox onto the
Designer workspace. Double-click on it (or select Edit from the
context-sensitive menu) and in the Execute Process Task Editor fill out the
properties of the Process item. In particular, set the Executable entry to
C:DataBaseJournalSSISSETOUT.CMD and WorkingDirectory to
C:DataBaseJournalSSIS. You can test the package at this point by pressing the
Ctrl+F5 key (the same can be accomplished by selecting Start without Debugging
entry in the Debug menu). Check the content of the
C:DataBaseJournalSSISSETOUT.TXT and verify that it contains a listing of all
environment variables in the format we described before.
Now that we have the output of the SET command line utility stored in the
text file, we want to load its content into a target database. To accomplish
this goal, we need a connection to this text file (Flat File Connection) and a
corresponding data source (Flat File Source), as well as a connection to tempdb
database (OLE DB Connection) and a corresponding data destination (OLE DB
Destination). We also require a properly structured table in the target
database that will store our data. We can create it prior to running the
package, but we can also incorporate this action into it – and this is the
approach we will take.
All of this functionality will be enclosed into a single Data Flow task. To
create it, drag it from the Toolbox while having the Control Flow area active
(note that this also can be done directly from the Data Flow area). Extend the
precedence constraint originating from the Execute Process Task (represented by
the arrow starting at its border) so that it reaches the newly created Data
Flow task (you can organize them within your workspace using Align options
available from the Format menu). With default settings, the second task will be
triggered as soon as the SET command line utility successfully completes and
its output is stored in the SETOUT.TXT. Switch to Data Flow area by selecting
its corresponding tab in the designer.
Now it is time to take care of a Flat File connection to our text file and
its corresponding data source, as well as the OLE DB connection to the tempdb
database and OLE DB data destination. To create a connection to our data
source, right click on the area of the Connections area and select "New
Flat File Connection…" entry from the context sensitive menu. Point to
the C:DataBaseJournalSSISSETOUT.TXT using the Browse… button next to the
File name(s) text box and select Columns entry in the listing of options
appearing on the left hand side of the Flat File Connection dialog box. Type in
the equal sign ("=") in the Column delimiter text box and click on
Refresh link immediately below it. In the Preview display area, you should see
the listing of up to 32 rows containing environment variable name in Column 0
and its value in Column 1. Switch to the Column Properties option listed on the
left hand side and change the names of the columns to VarName and VarValue,
respectively (from Column 0 and Column 1). Increase Output Column Width for the
VarValue column from the default 50 to something considerably higher
(environment variables in Microsoft Windows XP or later can have up to 8191
characters, on Windows 2000 the maximum length is 2047 characters). You might
also want to assign the connection a descriptive name, which would make it
Once the Flat File Connection appears in the Connections area (and the Data
Flow tab is selected), add the Flat File Source entry from the Toolbox to your
Data Flow Task. Double-clicking on it will automatically bring up Flat File
Source Editor with the Flat File Connection listed in the Connection text box.
View of data (up to first 200 rows) is available via the Preview button. By
selecting Column on the left hand side of the same page, you can control the
mapping between the External columns (derived from the connection to
SETOUT.TXT) and Ouput columns (which we will use to populate a target table in
the tempdb database). Click on OK to confirm the default choices.
To create a connection to the tempdb database, right-click again on the
Connections area of the designer and select "New OLE DB Connection"
entry from the context-sensitive menu. Next, using the New… command button,
bring up the Connection Manager interface and fill out relevant entries,
pointing to tempdb of your SQL Server installation. Pick Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server as the OLE DB Provider, specify the SQL Server computer
name, assign proper authentication method (Windows NT Integrated Security is
the recommended choice), and chose tempdb as the target database. To complete
the process, click twice on the OK button.
Next, create OLE DB Destination by dragging it from the Toolbox to the Data
Flow area of the designer. Extend to it the data flow from the Flat File Source
component. Note that the rectangle representing the OLE DB Destination task
contains a red cross icon – indicating that the connection manager has not been
fully configured. . To correct it, double click on the OLE DB Destination,
which will display its Editor window. From there, ensure that the previously
created connection to the tempdb database is selected in the Connection entry
and that Data access mode is set to "Table or view." Click on the New
button next to the Name of the table or view drop-down list. This will
automatically provide you with the complete CREATE TABLE statement. To account
for larger sizes of VarValue entries, change the length of VarValue VARCHAR
column to match the value you assigned to VarValue column in the Flat File
Connection. Leave the remaining options set to their defaults and click on
Mappings entry on the left hand side of the OLE DB Destination Editor. Accept
the existing settings (which maps VarName and VarValue input columns to their
respective destination columns) and click on OK.
Finally, you can save and execute the package, which should result in the
creation of a two-column table in tempdb, containing pairs of environment
variable names and their respective values. You might want to consider
assigning appropriate names to each package component, which are more
descriptive than their defaults (this can be done from the Properties window
within designer interface).
In our next article, we will modify our existing package in order to explore
more advanced features available in the SQL Server 2005 Integration Services.