SQL Server 2005 – SQL Server Integration Services – Part 9

Following an extended review of various types of Foreach Loop enumerators in
the SQL Server 2005 Integration Services, we are turning our attention to other
types of package components, which either did not exist in the Data
Transformation Services (SSIS predecessor present in earlier versions of the
SQL Server) or which functionality has been significantly enhanced. In this article,
we will discuss a task called WMI Data Reader, leveraging functionality built
into Windows Instrumentation Management (WMI) technology. As you might already
have noticed, SSIS includes also a similar component named WMI Event Watcher
Task. While both have some common characteristics (most notably, dependence on WMI
and WQL – which we will describe in more details next), we will postpone
presentation of the latter one until we cover general concept of events in SSIS

Windows Management Instrumentation is a software component incorporated in
more recent releases of the Windows operating system (prior to Windows 2000, it
was available as a freely downloadable add-in). Its main goal is to provide the
ability to extract and control characteristics of virtually every aspect of the
computing environment. WMI has dominated the area of Windows management in
recent years, extending its reach into SQL Server administration (for an
introduction to this topic, refer to the series of articles "Automating
SQL Server Management with WMI"
published on the Database Journal Web
site). You can take advantage of the powerful capabilities offered by WMI in
several ways. The most rewarding (but also most demanding in terms of skills
and time required) utilizes a programming and scripting interface, available
from both .NET and legacy code (which you can implement via Script Tasks in SQL
Server Integration Services packages). However, Microsoft also ensured that a plethora
of WMI features is readily accessible even to those programmatically-challenged
and created such user-friendly methods of accessing WMI functionality as WMIC
(WMI command line utility, introduced in Windows XP and present in Windows 2003
Server) or WMI Tools, including intuitive in use WMI CIM Studio, WMI Object
Browser, WMI Event Registration Tool, and WMI Event Viewer (freely downloadable
from the
Microsoft Download Center
). Inclusion of WMI Data Reader and WMI Event
Watcher tasks in the SQL Server 2005 Integration Services is another example of
the same trend.

Before we start looking into WMI Data Reader Task and its configuration
settings, we need to first review the basic principles of WMI as well as the
elementary rules of a technique that we will use as the primary means to
interact with it, called WMI Query Language (WQL). On the conceptual level,
each managed component that falls within the scope of WMI is represented by a
class. For example, a class called Win32_OperatingSystem deals with properties
and functions of the operating system on a managed computer. Similarly, there
exist such classes as Win32_Service, Win32_Process, Win32_Processor,
Win32_NetworkAdapter, Win32_LogicalDisk, Win32_Directory, or Win32_NTLogEvent
(representing services, processes, processors, network adapters, logical disks,
file system directories, and Windows events). The sheer number of classes is overwhelming
(and still growing, since WMI is extensible, allowing Microsoft and third party
vendors to develop new ones). In order to improve their manageability, classes
are organized into a hierarchy (which accommodates such programming-friendly
features as inheritance) and separated, based on similarities and vendor
responsible for their creation, into namespaces (which simplify searches, prevent
accidental class name clashes, and provide security boundaries). Classes we
will work with throughout our articles reside in the rootcimv2 namespace
(where the majority of standard physical and logical computer components have
their WMI presence) and rootMicrosoftSQLServer namespace (where all SQL Server
specific classes are located). If you want to gain a better understanding of
the way namespaces and classes are arranged, browse through their hierarchy
with WMI CIM Studio (via Internet Explorer interface), which is part of the
earlier mentioned WMI Tools.

A class does not represent any particular object, but rather a general
concept of a managed component. For example, the class Win32_LogicalDisk does
not refer to a specific drive, but instead encompasses features inherent to
every type of logical disk, namely properties (which values can be read and,
sometimes, changed – for example file system, media type, volume name, etc.)
and methods (which describe types of actions that can be performed on a disk –
e.g. running Chkdsk or scheduling AutoChk). Classes that are of interest to us
typically have one or more instances (which are also referred to as objects) on
a managed system (e.g. logical disk C: is an object of Win32_LogicalDisk class).
Most properties of an object have their values set and the execution of a
method on an object produces a specific action.

WQL is a subset of ANSI SQL (standard established by American National
Standards Institute). While its basic syntax resembles equivalent T-SQL
statements, there are several differences, resulting from characteristics
inherent to WMI (for a list of WQL keywords and operators, refer to the
MSDN Web site
). Similar to T-SQL, its main purpose is data retrieval,
although this is accomplished through interaction with WMI and the data itself
represents the state of a managed system. Most commonly, information about an
instance of a class is extracted with the familiar SELECT statement (while
there are other types of queries, such as ASSOCIATORS OF, REFERENCES OF, or
statements which deal with class definitions, they are outside of the scope of
this article), which takes the following form:

SELECT PropertyA, PropertyB, PropertyC FROM ClassX WHERE PropertyD = “ValueY”

As you would expect, in the statement above, we want to obtain values of PropertyA,
PropertyB, and PropertyC of an instance (or instances, if there are multiple
matches that satisfy the WHERE clause) of ClassX, identified by the ValueY of
the PropertyD. For example, in order to determine values of FileSystem, FreeSpace,
and Size properties of the Win32_LogicalDisk class instance named "C:",
we would execute:

SELECT FileSystem, FreeSpace, Size FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE Name="C:"

Similarly, we can query properties of services (Caption or DisplayName, StartMode,
and State of Win32_Service class) or processes (ExecutablePath and Name of the
Win32_Process class) in order to determine whether a specific service is
running or a specific process has been launched. WMI also gives you access to
Windows Event logs through Win32_NTLogEvent class, which instances represent
individual entries from System, Security, and Application logs (to distinguish
between them, check the value of the Logfile property for each). Here is a
sample query that returns the relevant information:

SELECT Logfile, RecordNumber, ComputerName, EventCode, EventIdentifier, Message, SourceName, TimeGenerated, Type, User
FROM Win32_NTLogEvent

By checking values assigned to the properties of instances of the
Win32_QuickFixEngineering class (including ServicePackInEffect, HotFixID, and InstaledOn),
it is possible to determine the level of hotfixes on a target computer.
Instances of another class, Win32_Product, represent every Windows
Installer-based application present on a target system. As long as your
software deployment methodology relies on Windows Installer (which applies to
the overwhelming majority of newer software), you can obtain accurate
information about your application estate, simplifying compliance with
licensing requirements and ensuring that no rogue, unauthorized programs exist
in your environment. The query providing this type of information could
resemble the following:

SELECT Name, Version, Description, InstallDate, Vendor, InstallLocation
FROM Win32_Product

Equipped with this knowledge, let’s look at the configuration parameters of
the WMI Data Reader Task. Like other Control Flow elements, this task appears
in the Toolbox of the package designer area. As mentioned before, its main
purpose is to execute a WMI query (using WQL syntax) and return results
according to the following options available in the task’s Editor interface (in
the WMI Options section):

  • WmiConnection – determines the target system and WMI namespace
    (which, by default is, rootcimv2), as well as the authentication method
    applied when connecting to it. If you decide to apply Windows Authentication,
    keep in mind that the connection will be established in the security context in
    which the SSIS package is executing (which might vary, depending on whether the
    package is launched interactively or scheduled). Ensure that the account has
    sufficient permissions as far as DCOM and WMI-namespace are concerned (for a
    comprehensive listing of issues and respective resolutions that involve remote
    access to WMI on Windows XP SP2 systems, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base
    article KB 875605

  • WqlQuerySourceType – can be set to Direct input, File connection,
    or Variable. Obviously, the last two options require the creation of the
    appropriate file connection and variable, respectively.

  • WqlQuerySource – the type of value expected for this entry
    depends on the value of the WqlQuerySourceType. If you intend to test the WQL
    queries listed in this article, consider selecting Direct input, and copying
    individual queries into the WQL Query window.

  • OutputType – list of choices include Data table, Property name
    and value, and Property value. The choice depends primarily on the purpose of
    extracting WMI data and its final destination.

  • OverwriteDestination – here, you can specify how you want to
    handle a situation where the target store already contains some data (overwrite
    destination, keep original, or append to existing content).

  • DestinationType – this can be either a file connection or a

  • Destination – value of this entry depends on the previous entry
    and requires either a variable or a file connection to be defined.

In the next article of this series, we will review the role of events in SQL
Server Integration Services, which will serve as the basis for the discussion
about WMI Event Watcher Task.


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Marcin Policht

Marcin Policht
Marcin Policht
Being a long time reader, I'm proud to join the crowd of technology gurus gathered here. I have a fair share of Microsoft exams behind me, a couple of acronyms after my name - MCSE, MCSD, and MCT, decent familiarity with majority of MS BackOffice products (SMS, SQL, Exchange, IIS), programming and scripting languages (VB, C++, VBScript with wsh) and several years of practical experience with Windows environment administration and engineering. My focus these days is on SQL Server and Windows 2000, and I'll attempt to share the most interesting experiences with these products.

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