First, the official name for the release is now SQL Server 7.0. The code name “Spinx” is no longer being used. In this document, I will summarize what Microsoft presented and give you my impressions of the new release. Please note that I am writing this document from the presentation slides and my notes and recollections. It is possible that I have misheard or misunderstood something. None of this was presented under non-disclosure. I will italicize my impressions so that it is clear that they are not Microsofts information.
This presentation was based on Beta 2. It is possible that there will be changes between now and the actual release of SQL Server 7.0
Presenters at this conference were
Paul Flessner: General Manager, SQL Server Development
Hal Berenson: Product Unit Manager and Architect, SQL Server Relational Engine
Peter Spiro: Product Unit Manager and Architect, SQL Server Storage Engine
Casey Kiernan: Product Unit Manager and Architect, SQL Server Tools
Ron Soukup: Product Unit Manager, SQL Server Replication
William Baker: General Manager, Internet Applications Server Group
Jeff Alger: Group Program Manager
Many thanks to Sharon for providing these notes – drop her a note at and tell her thanks!