This procedure gets a tablename, column and an integer number N as parameters
and finds the Nth maximum value of the column’s value in a table.
For example: running it with ‘products’, ‘UnitPrice’ , 13 , @res
will get the 13TH largest value of unitprice from products
is no such N exist an error message is printed.
Procedure code and usage is listed below:
create proc max_nth_value (@tablename varchar(50),
@column varchar(50),
@n int,
@res decimal (10,4) OUTPUT)
set nocount on
declare @sqlStatment varchar(200)
set @sqlStatment = 'select a.' + @column + ' from ' + @tableName + ' a ' +
'where ' + convert (varchar(10),@n) +
'=(select count(distinct ' + @column + ')' +
' from ' + @tableName + ' b ' +
' where ' + 'a.'+ @column + ' <= ' + 'b.' + @column + ')'
create table #tres (x decimal (10,4))
insert into #tres exec (@sqlStatment)
if @@rowcount = 0 print 'No value found!' else select @res = x from #tres
set nocount off
-- usage
declare @res decimal (10,4)
exec max_nth_value 'products','unitprice',8,@res OUTPUT
print @res