Microsoft Windows PowerShell and SQL Server 2005 SMO – Part 5

The above command created the ‘MyDatabase’ database on the
‘HOME’ server, using the default values and path. [Refer Fig 1.1 and 1.2]

Fig 1.1

Fig 1.2

Method 2

Let us assume that we have to create a new database named
‘MyDatabase1’ on the ‘HOME’ server. Let us also assume that the data file
should be 25MB, with the Data file and log file on D drive.

Execute the following command in PowerShell as shown
below. [Refer Fig 1.3]


$Server = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server’) ‘HOME’
$DataBase = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database’)
($Server, “MyDataBase1”)
$FileGrowth = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup’)
($DataBase, “PRIMARY”)

$DataBaseDataFile = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile’)
($FileGrowth, “MyDatabas1e_Data”)

$DataBaseDataFile.FileName = “D:\MyDatabase1_Data.mdf”
$DataBaseDataFile.Size = [double](25.0 * 1024.0)
$DataBaseDataFile.GrowthType = “Percent”
$DataBaseDataFile.Growth = 25.0
$DataBaseDataFile.MaxSize = [double](100.0 * 1024.0)

$DataBaseLogFile = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LogFile’) ($DataBase, “MyDatabase1_Log”)

$DataBaseLogFile.FileName = “D:\MyDatabase1_Log.ldf”

The above cmdlets creates the ‘Mydatabase1’ database on
the ‘HOME’ server, with a 25MB data file and both the Log file and Data file
are created on D Drive. [Refer Fig. 1.3, 1.4]

Fig 1.3

Fig 1.4

Method 3

Let us create a script that allows us to create any
database on any server with any size and path we like.

Create the following file as shown below and save it as createdb.ps1. [Refer Fig 1.5]

param (
[string] $ServerName,
[string] $DatabaseName,
[Double] $DataSize ,
[string] $DataPath,
[string] $LogPath

echo “Creating Database…..”
echo “———————-”
echo “Input…”
echo “Server Name : $ServerName”
echo “Database Name : $DatabaseName”
echo “Data Size : $DataSize”
echo “Data File Path : $DataPath”
echo “Log File Path : $LogPath”

$LogicalDataFile=$DatabaseName + “_Data”
$LogicalLogFIle=$DatabaseName + “_Log”
$datapath1=$DataPath + “\” + $DatabaseName + “_Data.mdf”
$Logpath1=$LogPath + “\” + $DatabaseName + “_Log.ldf”
$DataSize1=[double]($DataSize * 1024.0)


$Server = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server’) $ServerName
$DataBase = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database’) ($Server, $DatabaseName)
$FileGrowth = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup’) ($DataBase, “PRIMARY”)

$DataBaseDataFile = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile’) ($FileGrowth, $LogicalDataFile)

$DataBaseDataFile.FileName = $datapath1

$DataBaseDataFile.Size = [double]( $DataSize1 )
$DataBaseDataFile.GrowthType = “Percent”
$DataBaseDataFile.Growth = 25.0
$DataBaseDataFile.MaxSize = [double](100.0 * 1024.0)

$DataBaseLogFile = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LogFile’) ($DataBase, $LogicalLogFIle)
$DataBaseLogFile.FileName = $Logpath1

echo “Output….”
echo “Logical name of Data is $LogicalDataFile”
echo “Logical name of Log is $LogicalLogFile”
echo “Data File Path is $datapath1”
echo “Log file path is $LogPath1”
echo “Size of the file is $DataSize1”

Fig 1.5

Now execute the PowerShell script file as shown below. [Refer
Fig 1.6]

./createdb.ps1 HOME MyDatabase2 30 D: D:


HOME is the server name

MyDatabase2 is the database name

30 is MB data size

D: is the location of the data Path

D: is the location of the Log Path


PS C:\ps> ./createdb.ps1 HOME MyDatabase2 30 D: D:
Creating Database…..
Server Name : HOME
Database Name : MyDatabase2
Data Size : 30
Data File Path : D:
Log File Path : D:

GAC Version Location
— ——- ——–
True v2.0.50727 C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO\\Microsoft.Sql.
Logical name of Data is MyDatabase2_Data
Logical name of Log is MyDatabase2_Log
Data File Path is D:\MyDatabase2_Data.mdf
Log file path is D:\MyDatabase2_Log.ldf
Size of the file is 30720

Fig 1.6

The following code generates the output, which actually
clutters the desired output.




GAC Version Location
— ——- ——–
True v2.0.50727 C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO\\Microsoft.Sql…

This can be avoided by redirecting the output to NULL.

param (
[string] $ServerName,
[string] $DatabaseName,
[Double] $DataSize ,
[string] $DataPath,
[string] $LogPath

echo “Creating Database…..”
echo “———————-”
echo “Input…”
echo “Server Name : $ServerName”
echo “Database Name : $DatabaseName”
echo “Data Size : $DataSize”
echo “Data File Path : $DataPath”
echo “Log File Path : $LogPath”

$LogicalDataFile=$DatabaseName + “_Data”
$LogicalLogFIle=$DatabaseName + “_Log”
$datapath1=$DataPath + “\” + $DatabaseName + “_Data.mdf”
$Logpath1=$LogPath + “\” + $DatabaseName + “_Log.ldf”
$DataSize1=[double]($DataSize * 1024.0)

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO”) | out-null

$Server = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server’) $ServerName
$DataBase = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database’) ($Server, $DatabaseName)
$FileGrowth = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FileGroup’) ($DataBase, “PRIMARY”)

$DataBaseDataFile = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataFile’) ($FileGrowth, $LogicalDataFile)

$DataBaseDataFile.FileName = $datapath1

$DataBaseDataFile.Size = [double]( $DataSize1 )
$DataBaseDataFile.GrowthType = “Percent”
$DataBaseDataFile.Growth = 25.0
$DataBaseDataFile.MaxSize = [double](100.0 * 1024.0)

$DataBaseLogFile = new-object (‘Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LogFile’) ($DataBase, $LogicalLogFIle)
$DataBaseLogFile.FileName = $Logpath1

echo “Output….”
echo “Logical name of Data is $LogicalDataFile”
echo “Logical name of Log is $LogicalLogFile”
echo “Data File Path is $datapath1”
echo “Log file path is $LogPath1”
echo “Size of the file is $DataSize1”

Now execute the PowerShell script file as shown below. [Refer
Fig 1.7]

./createdb.ps1 HOME MyDatabase2 30 D: D:

Fig 1.7


PS C:\ps> ./createdb.ps1 HOME MyDatabase2 30 D: D:
Creating Database…..
Server Name : HOME
Database Name : MyDatabase2
Data Size : 30
Data File Path : D:
Log File Path : D:
Logical name of Data is MyDatabase2_Data
Logical name of Log is MyDatabase2_Log
Data File Path is D:\MyDatabase2_Data.mdf
Log file path is D:\MyDatabase2_Log.ldf
Size of the file is 30720


Part 5 of this series has illustrated how to use PowerShell
and PowerShell script to create databases etc.


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