In my article
last month, I started a new series to discuss T-SQL best practices. This
is the second article in that series. This series of best practices will help
you write T-SQL code that performs better, and promote coding practices to help
minimize the number of application failures. This month I’m going to focus on
how to optimize writing a jack-of- all-trades stored procedure (SP). I’m
going to discuss what kind of SP this is and how you can optimize this kind of
SP by following a specific coding style.
Jack-Of-All-Trades Stored Procedure
Before I get into how to optimize a jack-of-all-trades SP, let’s
expand a little bit on what kind of stored procedure I’m talking about. The
jack-of-all-trades SP is a procedure that accepts a number of different
parameters. This procedure accepts none, one, many, or all of the parameters
associated with the jack-of-all-trades SP. Based the parameters passed, the
jack-of-all-trade SP determines what record set is to be brought back. Here is
a typical example of a jack-of-all-trades SP:
CREATE PROCEDURE JackOfAllTrades (@SalesOrderID int = NULL
,@SalesOrderDetailID int = NULL
,@CarrierTrackingNumber nvarchar(25) = NULL)
SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail
(SalesOrderID = @SalesOrderID or @SalesOrderID IS NULL)
AND (SalesOrderDetailID = @SalesOrderDetailID or
@SalesOrderDetailID IS NULL)
AND (CarrierTrackingNumber = @CarrierTrackingNumber or
@CarrierTrackingNumber IS NULL)
Here my JackOfAllTrades SP accepts three different
parameters. All these parameters default to the NULL value. If a value is
passed in then it is used as a parameter in the WHERE clause to constrain
records returned. Each parameter in the SP is used to build a complex WHERE
clause that contains the following logic in the WHERE clause for each parameter
(<TableColumn> = @PARM or @PARM IS NULL)
This logic says if @PARM is passed a non-null value then
constrain the records returned to make sure that the <TableColumn> is
equal to the value of @PARM. The second part of that condition is “@PARM IS
NULL”. This part says if @PARM was not passed (equal to NULL) then don’t
constrain your data based on this parameter.
Let’s look at a typical execution of my JackOfAllTrades SP.
Suppose I execute my SP with the following command:
EXEC JackOfAllTrades @SalesOrderID = 43659
When this command executes, its execution plan looks like
Here you can see that for the single parameter passed, the
optimizer decided it should use an “Index Scan” operation. My SP’s SELECT
statement is constraining on a highly unique column @SalesOrderID that is part
of the clustered index key. So, you would think that SQL Server would be smart
enough to know that an “Index Seek” operation would be quicker for resolving my
jack-of-all-trades SP by going through the clustered index. But as we can see
from the above executing plan that SQL Server isn’t that smart. So why is
When the optimizer sees the “@PARM IS NULL” condition, it
appears like a constant to the SQL Server optimizer. Therefore the optimizer
assumes no index will be useful to resolve the “(<TableColumn> = @PARM1
or @PARM1 IS NULL)” condition due to the constant being in the WHERE
condition. Therefore, SQL Server decides to use an Index Scan operation to
resolve this type of condition. The more parameters you have in our
jack-of-all-trades SP the worse the performance is due to the number of SCAN
operations required for each passed parameter.
Optimizing the Jack-Of-All-Trades SP
You don’t have to settle for a poor performing
jack-of-all-trades SP by continuing to code these types of queries like the one
above. Let’s explore what my JackOfAllTrades SP does and re-write it so SQL
Server’s query optimizer will create a more optimal execution plan.
As state above the real problem with the jack-of-all-trades
SP is the fact that for every parameter you need to have an “OR” condition that
checks to see if the parameter passed IS NULL. If we can eliminate the
requirement for this constant expression than SQL Server will be able to create
a plan that will use an INDEX SEEK operation. So how can we eliminate the @PARM
IS NULL requirement? The answer is by using parameterized dynamic SQL.
Ok before you start shooting me flaming arrows over
suggesting dynamic SQL, hear me out. I know you are already thinking that with
dynamic SQL I might introduce SQL injection into my solution. However, as you
will see I will not be increasing the risk of SQL injection, because I will
just be building dynamic SQL code that passes my SP parameters to another
system SP “sp_executesql” that will be using these parameters within the
dynamic SQL code that I build.
The system SP “sp_executesql” allows you to develop a T-SQL
statement that contains parameters, and allows you to define and pass the
values for those parameters to the dynamic SQL by passing parameters to the“sp_executesql”
SP when executing this SP. A T-SQL statement that is executed this way is
commonly called parameterized SQL. There are a number of different reasons to
use parameterized SQL, but the scope of this discussion is how to use
parameterized SQL to improve the performance of a jack-of-all-trades SP. Here
I have re-written the query above using a dynamically built parameterized T-SQL
SELECT statement:
CREATE PROCEDURE JackOfAllTrades_V2 (@SalesOrderID int = NULL
,@SalesOrderDetailID int = NULL
,@CarrierTrackingNumber nvarchar(25) = NULL)
SET @CMD = ‘SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Sales.SalesOrderDetail ‘
SET @WHERE = @WHERE + ‘AND SalesOrderID = @SalesOrderID ‘
IF @SalesOrderDetailID IS NOT NULL
SET @WHERE = @WHERE + ‘AND SalesOrderDetailID = @SalesOrderDetailID ‘
IF @CarrierTrackingNumber IS NOT NULL
SET @WHERE = @WHERE + ‘AND CarrierTrackingNumber = @CarrierTrackingNumber ‘
EXEC sp_executesql @CMD
, N’@SalesOrderID int
,@SalesOrderDetailID int
,@CarrierTrackingNumber nvarchar(25)’
,@SalesOrderID = @SalesOrderID
,@SalesOrderDetailID = @SalesOrderDetailID
,@CarrierTrackingNumber = @CarrierTrackingNumber
Let me walk you through this code so you understand the
dynamic and parameterized parts of this code. This SP starts out be setting
the variable @CMD to the basic SELECT statement I need to run without the WHERE
statement. I then set the @WHERE variable to an empty string. I then go
through a series of four different IF statements. The first three IF statement
check to see if each of the parameters being passed is NOT NULL. If a
particular parameter is NOT NULL then I append a condition to the @WHERE
variable for that parameter. Since I already checked and determined that the
parameter was NOT NULL, I don’t need to add the IS NULL condition to my WHERE
clause as was done in the original code in my SP. Instead all I need to add it
the <TableColumn> = @PARM condition to the @WHERE variable. The last IF
statement determines if the @WHERE variable has been populated with at least
one condition, and if it has then it appends the @WHERE variable to the @CMD
Note the @WHERE variable is the dynamic part of this code.
But I don’t place the actual text of the parameter into the @WHERE variable,
but instead I only place a reference to my parameters in the WHERE condition.
Therfore my final dynamic T-SQL statement basically only contains my original
SELECT statement and the WHERE clause no longer needs the IS NULL condition to
constraint the data.
Lastly I use the “sp_executesql” SP to execute my dynamic
parameterized T-SQL statement. To do this I pass 5 parameters to this system
SP. The first one of these parameters is my dynamic T-SQL @CMD variable. The
second parmeter declares all the possible variables I might have in my
parametrized query, and their data types. For the last three parameters that
are passed to my SP I just pass them on as parameters to the system SP just
like they were originally passed on in my first jack-of-all-trades SP. So as
you can see here I haven’t made my dynamic SQL any more vulnerable to SQL
injection then my original SP, because I didn’t use the actual values of my
parameters to populate the @WHERE variable. I am just passing those parameters
on as variables to my parameterized dynamic T-SQL via the “sp_executesql”
system SP.
Now let’s run the code for my re-written jack-of-all- trade
SP by running the following statement:
EXEC JackOfAllTrades_V2 @SalesOrderID = 43659
When I run this against the AdventureWorks database on my
server I get the following execution plan:
By comparing this execution plan with the prior one, you can
see it is simpler and it uses a “Cluster Index Seek” operation to resolve this
SP. The SQL Server query engine is able to using this operation because my
dynamic T-SQL no longer has the “@PARM IS NULL” statement in it. Since I have
simplified my T-SQL statement by using dynamic SQL and eliminating the IS NULL
constraint, SQL Server is now able to pick a more optimal plan for my V2
version of my jack-of-all-trades SP.
So how much of an improvement does this actually achieve?
Remember I’m only looking for records from the SalesOrderDetail table that have
a SalesOrderID equal to 43659. My original jack-of-all-trades SP did an INDEX
SCAN operation to resolve the query. This means it had to read all the way
through the index before it could complete my request to return records that
contain a single SalesOrderID value. Whereas the V2 version of my
jack-of-all-trades SP is able to use an INDEX SEEK operation against the
clustered Index key on the SalesOrderDetail table to get directly to the
specific records that contain the SalesOrderId equal to 43659 very quickly. The
INDEX SEEK operation is much more optimized then using the INDEX SCAN
operation, but how much?
Measuring the I/O savings by using the V2 version of the
jack-of-all-trades SP can be accomplished a number ways. Let’s measure the I/O
improvements by running the following T-SQL statements:
EXEC JackOfAllTrades @SalesOrderID = 43659
EXEC JackOfAllTrades_V2 @SalesOrderID = 43659
Here I have used the “SET STATISTICS IO ON” statement so the
output of running my two SPs will show me the number of I/Os each command
required to resolve it query. Below is the output I get from the above T-SQL
(12 row(s) affected)
Table ‘SalesOrderDetail’. Scan count 1, logical reads 264, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0,
lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
(1 row(s) affected)
(12 row(s) affected)
Table ‘SalesOrderDetail’. Scan count 1, logical reads 3, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0,
lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
(1 row(s) affected)
By looking at this output, we can see that my original
jack-of-all-trades SP performance is 1 scan and 264 logical reads. Whereas my
V2 version of the jack-of-all-trades SP did the same number of index scans, but
was able to resolve the query by performing only 3 logical reads. This is a
savings of 261 I/O, which in itself might not seem significant. However, what
if you where calling the SP over and over again in a loop of some kind. It doesn’t
take many calls before you will start to notice a significant performance
improvement using the V2 version over the original version of the
jack-of-all-trades SP.
Improving I/O Counts Using Dynamic Parameterized SQL
Knowing why SQL Server looks at your code and picks a
sub-optimal plan is what you need to take away from this article. Here the SQL
Server optimized was taking the “@PARM IS NULL” logic in my code as a
constant. Therefore, it determined it needed to perform an INDEX SCAN
operation to resolve the first version of my jack-of-all-trades SP. As we all
know, SCAN operations are typically slower than SEEK operations. By writing
dynamic T- SQL code in my V2 version of my jack-of-all-trades SP I was able to
eliminate having a constant expression in the WHERE clause of my T-SQL
statement. This allowed the optimizer to pick a better route at resolving my
T-SQL by using a CLUSTERED INDEX SEEK operation. If you have one of these
jack-of-all-trades SP at your site try re-writing it using dynamic parameterize
SQL and see what kind of performance gains you are able to obtain.