This is part 11 of a series. If you have not read part 10,
you can find it here.
The end user (ID 1000) creates the Account record through the web
application. -
A CSR (ID 99) locks the account using the back-office
application. -
A CSR (ID 99) re-enables the account using the back-office
application. -
A different user on the account (ID 1001) updates the address
information. -
The first user (ID 1000) makes the other user (ID 1001) the PrimaryCardholder
for the account. - A CSR (ID 99) disables the account.
- An administrative program (ID 1) marks the account deleted.
All of this information is captured in the history record.
We know exactly who made what changes when.
The main drawback comes from the fact that it stores every
column on every update. First, this requires more space. Second, it makes it
harder to search the history records for changes.
The other side of that second “issue” is that, for any point
in the record’s history, it is very simple to see the values of all columns.
Depending on your application’s requirements, this may be more or less
Here is a limited set of columns from the history records
for the scenario above, ordered by HistoryID:
UpdateUserID PrimaryCardholderID StatusCd
———— ——————- ——–
1000 1000 1
99 1000 3
99 1000 1
1001 1000 1
1000 1001 1
99 1001 2
1 1001 4
Compare this to the results from AccountMin to see how they
When I have created history records in databases I designed,
this is the scheme I have used.
“Min” History Records
This type of record is different from the “Diff” records in
that the updateable columns are all nullable. Only the columns that are updated
get written to the history record.
CREATE TABLE dbo.AccountMinHistory (
AccountMinHistoryID int NOT NULL IDENTITY,
AccountMinID int NOT NULL,
UpdateUserID int NOT NULL,
HistoryDate datetime NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT AccountMinHistory_HistoryDate_DF
PrimaryCardHolderID int NULL,
Address1 varchar(40) NULL,
Address2 varchar(40) NULL,
City varchar(40) NULL,
[State] char(2) NULL,
ZipCode varchar(10) NULL,
StatusCd tinyint NULL
CONSTRAINT AccountMinHistory_StatusCd_DF
(AccountMinID) REFERENCES dbo.AccountMin (AccountMinID)
Merits and Issues
This is also a very simple type of history record. This type
makes it easy to see the changes and ignore the columns that have not changed.
The attached AccountMin.sql
script runs the same scenario as above. Even though this scheme stores much
less data, all of the changes are still captured. Again, we know exactly who
made what changes when.
The benefit here, over the Diff scheme, is that it requires
less space. The drawback here is basically the opposite of the first scheme. It
is easy to see what changes happened during a particular update, but it is more
difficult to recreate a complete record corresponding to each change. As
before, depending on your application’s requirements, this may be more or less
Here is a limited set of columns from the history records
for the scenario above, ordered by HistoryID:
UpdateUserID PrimaryCardholderID StatusCd
———— ——————- ——–
1000 1000 1
99 NULL 3
99 NULL 1
1000 1001 NULL
99 NULL 2
1 NULL 4
The NULLs make it easy to see that, for instance, the second
record has an update to StatusCd but not PrimaryCardholderID.
“Link” History Records
This type of record is one that I have seen multiple times
and, frankly, I think it’s pretty awful.
The basic idea here is that you store a set of updateable
columns, not in the base table at all, but in the history table only. This makes
it more “pure” from a data redundancy standpoint, but the coding is much more
complex. I have included my attempt at making it work in the attached AccountLink.sql script. If
you are a big fan of this history scheme, please use the forum
to explain the beauty that I’m not seeing.
I have to include the AccountLink schema here because it is
so different from the others.
CREATE TABLE dbo.AccountLink (
CurrentHistoryID int NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE dbo.AccountLinkHistory (
AccountLinkHistoryID int NOT NULL IDENTITY,
AccountLinkID int NOT NULL,
UpdateUserID int NOT NULL,
HistoryDate datetime NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT AccountLinkHistory_HistoryDate_DF
PrimaryCardHolderID int NOT NULL,
Address1 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
Address2 varchar(40) NOT NULL,
City varchar(40) NOT NULL,
[State] char(2) NOT NULL,
ZipCode varchar(10) NOT NULL,
StatusCd tinyint NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT AccountLinkHistory_StatusCd_DF
Merits and Issues
The main benefit here is that there is no duplicated data.
Well, sort of. Since you don’t store any data in the base table, every history
record must store every value. You might be able to implement a
combination of “Link” and “Min” (where you store only the changed values), but
the coding would be nasty, and the performance would be abysmal.
The issues with Link come when you start coding the schema
and the procedures. Creating the double links (foreign keys) requires a lot of
special coding. Any time you select an account and need to return anything
besides the ID (which you are probably using to select it), you have to join to
the history record. With either of the other two schemes, most selects can be
accomplished with just the base table. With the Link scheme, every
select requires a join.
If you’ve gotten this far, you know that I don’t like the
Link scheme. Between the other two, I think the choice comes down to
application requirements. If you are tracking these changes solely for auditing
purposes or ad-hoc research, use the Min scheme. If your application will
actually need to show the full record as of a certain point in time or a
certain change, then use the Diff scheme.
What do you do? Please provide
feedback through the forum. Do you use a different scheme than one of
these? If so, please explain how it works and what business problems it
Regardless of which scheme you use, be sure it can answer
the three critical questions:
- Who made the change?
- When did they make the change?
- And what are the old and new values?
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for part 11 of this series.